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Change of Seasons


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Late report from last weekend. Had a couple of outings last weekend and it was interesting to catch fish as we cross from the colder to the warmer months. First outing was on the Central Coast around Wagstaffe/Hardys Bay out of a small tinny. I was flicking soft plastics around the shallows hoping to pick up some flatties . Tried the usual spot near the entrance to Hardys Bay but all I managed was one small one after a couple of hours drifting the edge of the flats. I then trolled with a diver across the flats towards Half Tide Rocks but no takers, then spotted an area near the rocks I hadn't fished for years. By then it was bottom of the tide so wasn't getting swept out to sea (!) and after only a couple of shots had a very hard hit from what turned out to be a decent flattie of around 45cm. Kept prospecting the area and within half an hour had three more aggressive strikes with 2 of these into the bag and the other throwing the hook after shaking his head near the boat. The secret seemed to be casting over the broken weed/sandy patches. All fish were very hungry and hit the squidgy wriggler 100ml like they hadn't had dinner for a long while!

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Next day I headed back home to the northern beaches and tried a new rock up the northern end of the peninsular for some drummer. The swell was low which made for safe and pleasant conditions but that never seems to suit the drummer who like plenty of wash. Gave it a crack anyway with steady handfuls of bread burley and cunji shells every 10 minutes or so. As the tide rose I had a down on the float and straight away new it was a good drummer with the typical hard surges heading towards cover. Unfortunately the hook fell out as sometimes happens if it is only stuck in their rows of rough teeth. Another hour of burleying and catching a few rubbish fish and finally hooked and landed a nice drummer of around 2kg.

Then a rain squall came so time to head home.

So maybe the last drummer for a while and hopefully the first feed of flathead for summer





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