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Painful success on Boat


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:puke::puke: ... forgot tablets

Headed out of botany bay with a friend's dad and friend on a boat just as it reached High tide, so we could fish the falling tide.

We started fishing in between 50-60ms of water and got bites straight away with a paternoster rig and pilchards. Hooked onto something huge, but got dragged straight into rocks or something even on heavy gear, and it broke off. However, i didn't realise it and i ended up fishing with the rock as the sinker got caught in it for well over 3mins as the fast drift made it feel like it was still running, ended up fighting a rock for well over 3minutes haha (tiring work considering the drag setting on the heavy rod).

Soon after the "fight with the rock", i started feeling it. Even without much swell and wind, i started feeling really sick... So we decided to fish closer to the cliff in about 8-20m water. After a while of torture and having thoughts of regretting fishing and just lying on the seat of the boat while it drifted, i got a large hit on the pilchard. Pulled it in, and happened to be my first legal snapper. Measured at 34cm so decided to keep it. Was stoked :D. Furthermore, my other rod got a hit on a peeled prawn drifting in the current, i pulled in my first ever dart also :D measured at 30cm

However this short lived excitement ended for a while and i ended up berleying overboard twice :puke::puke:.

Decided to head back into botany bay and into Yarra bay, which was a lot calmer. However in the whole hr, only one small flathead which was released. and we decided to call it a day.

Overall, one of my most painful fishing trips ever even though it was a success. By the time i took the picture, the snapper already lost its colours. Hope everyone else who had success today.


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The rock fish can sure put up a fight. I have enjoyed watching many inexperienced fisho's fight a suspect catch of the day until they wake up that its the current and boat movement making that rock seem to be taking drag!

Sea sickness is not great, laying down can make it worse. Not for every one but jumping into the water for awhile settles the inner ear and is one of the only ways to come good without heading for flatter water.


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Guest Guest123456789

Been there done that. If I just eat dry food like toast and biscuits and limit how much water is in my belly I don't get seasick.hut still take travelcalm tablets just in case.

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The one that got away could possibly of been a wobby, I've hooked plenty that have managed to get back under ledges before I could get them off the bottom. By the way they are now a no take species if you do get one up.

Weldone on the snapper and even though most people don't rate the sweep they aren't actulally that bad to eat, I would rather sweep than bream.


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