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Tough Going at Bellambi & a New PB (update)

Guest 4myson

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Hi Raiders , With a few reports & photos coming in from friends still catching Snapper the call was made over the weekend to head to Bellambi during the week with my Uncle Frank (from our last Bellambi trip) & one of his sons Luca Who is a Keen MAD Fisho aswell . We got to bellambi ramp just after 6 this mourning & with a quick launch we were on our way to our 1st mark . My cousin Luca was excited to be tagging along Since his fathers last outing with me produced a great feed of Snapper... But this was not to be that easy . 1 st mark DONUT except for a few SGT BAKERS & the dreaded CUTA's .... 2nd mark nothing but CUTA's again Until 1 of my rods nearly pulled out of the snapper rack & this thing was coming in with quicker than i could wind in the slack & before you know it up on the surface a Mako appeared,We were all waiting for the Spectacular aerial show to commence but nothing it just came in easy & was just swimming along side the boat, A quick head shake & it's teeth cut the leader but in stead of shooting off this thing just stayed on the surface only a few feet away & hung around so we threw some pillys at it which it just ate them up while he enjoyed his swim around us . As we were watching this thing just leisurely swim around my second rod goes off . I start reeling only to see a 2nd mako come to the surface & just lazily swim up to the boat without any Hesitation whatsoever . We thought twice about whether we should Gaff it & get it on Board to see Finally if these things are worth eating But just watching it swim gracefully around the boat with out a worry in the world "I made the call to just cut the Leader" & let it go about it's business by this time the wind picked up & it was HOWLING!! It was impossible to hold bottom no mater how much lead we added. It felt like we were in the middle of a Cyclone & Just as we were about to call it quits & head for the ramp the wind stopped completely & the water was as flat as glass agian. So we decided to head to the 3rd mark which was in around 80 m but EVERYTHING had shut down Not even the CUTA's were biting ... By now we had given up all hope of catching any Snapper of any size . I felt bad for my cousin Luca that i could not put him on any snapper at all let alone enough for a feed . With the top of the tide nearing & it nearly reaching 10 o'clock I made the decision to head back to shallower ground anchor up & just Burley the hell out of the area to see if we could awaken what ever was around .After 20 odd minutes Luca is ON !!! Up comes a snapper just on 37cm & shortly after he's on again with a 32cm model . FINALLY we found them !!! The burley must have woken up the squid aswell as they were constantly stripping our baits . So Luca reached for a heavy squid jig & before you know it he was onto the squid . My rods remained untouched & just as i was about thinking about changing my rigs over my Little 3-6kg Fireblood SCREAMS !!! Every one thought the Mako's followed us in but this thing actually fought hard & before you know it i Finally felt those huge thumps that the snapper are known for & was relieved to have one on aswell . But this Snapper had other ideas ....It took us almost 10 mins to get sight of it & boy was it a NICE Snapper . A quick swoop of the net & we had this thing on Board ...A new PB of 68cm & coming in on 4.73kg . We were all speechless & then from silence it went to Screams with High fives & hugs allround .. A Truly Great Experience to share with family & what a TOP day it turned out to be.....IMAG0915.jpg SAM_6925.JPGIMAG0911.jpgIMAG0920.jpgIMAG0930.jpg

Edited by 4myson
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Thanks for the comments Guys ... Looking forward to tonight's dinner with the "OutLaws" . Just not sure How to cook it whole or fillets ?? Last time did a Snapper whole in the oven & found it to be dry (maybe overdone) . Might try cook it in the oven with a nice sauce to keep it moist ...Any Recipe Ideas ?????

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Thanks for the tips guys in cooking the fish up ... My mother In-Law cooked up the fillets in a Great homemade Italian sauce she pretty much prepared in minutes in our kitchen & threw the whole thing together in the oven for around 30mins , And it was YUMMY !!!!! All the kids went for second's .....For those fisho's with a keen eye I might be giving a bit too much away in the 1st photo ;) .... but I NEEDED something plastic in the pic for the COTM

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What a healthy fish, only complaint is you didnt grab the mako, shark cocktails as an entree to the snapper would of topped it off! If you are worried about boating a mako pm me and ill help you out.

Well done on the red.

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On 20/10/2016 at 5:51 AM, finin said:

What a healthy fish, only complaint is you didnt grab the mako, shark cocktails as an entree to the snapper would of topped it off! If you are worried about boating a mako pm me and ill help you out.

Well done on the red.

Thanks for the offer finin , I was more worried about the taste than boating .Heard stories of the flesh having an Amonia smell & taste & didn't want a fish of that size going to waste .......

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Thanks for all the comments guys . Managed to head out on friday again after one of our Newest Members Wazza Was Begging me to get him onto a decent snapper as well (Any excuse to take a day off to go Fishing....:lol:) I knew it was going to be even TOUGHER out there & we were only going to have a small window early mourning . Launched at 6am at the spot by 6:30 & first drift Wazza was onto a healthy snapper of 65cm ! A NEW PB for him & well done to him & just as well by the time we had done our secound drift after I just boated a 38cm model  it was a washing machine out there & the call was made to head back in & back at the ramp by 8:30 ....It took us longer to drive to Bellambi & back Then fish ...LOL..., but that's fishing...


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