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Harmful algae near Brooklyn


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An alert I saw in the Hornsby Council facebook page recommending shellfish taken downstream of the road bridge not to be eaten. Will be keeping an eye on this as we approach crab season.


The NSW Food Authority has issued an alert about a harmful algae species, Alexandrium catenella, which has recently been detected.

It was found in the waters of the lower reaches of the Hawkesbury River, downstream of the Pacific Highway bridge.

As a temporary precautionary measure shellfish taken recreationally from this area should not be eaten.

Meanwhile, the results for algae tests from Berowra Waters Creek have been returned.

The algae is from a species that has not been linked to health hazards for humans, though it can be harmful to marine life.

There is no great risk to humans from the Berowra Waters algae, though people are better to play it safe and minimise contact with the water. The species is prorocentrum minimum.

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  • 3 months later...

Another warning again on Hornsby councils website/Facebook.

"A toxic marine algae has been detected in high levels near Berowra Waters. Gymnodinium catenatum produces paralytic shellfish toxins. People are advised not to eat shellfish or fish collected or caught in the area. Council is putting signs at all water access points around Berowra Waters and will continue to monitor the bloom. People should PM me good fishing GPS locations"

I may have made something up towards the end of that quotation.


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