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Donut in Brisbane Water

Guest Guest123456789

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Guest Guest123456789

Hi Raiders,

Headed out this morning late as I had my son's swimming lesson. Got the boat in the water at east gosford ramp about 10:30.

Started off trolling for about an hour with two hard bodies on the back. Kept getting weed so had to abort that tactic.

Headed to St Hubert's island and flicked soft plastics around. Z man grub on 1/24 and a z man 5 inch bleeding banana minnow on a 1/4. Again, weed made life pretty hard.

Headed to the rip bridge and dead sticked a soft plastic and also flicked around a grub and minnow for about an hour. Finally marked some bream size fish but they wouldn't bite.

Still had a good time exploring and learning. Thanks for reading.


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That's what it's all about.....giving it a go and learning something new.I've come home empty handed plenty of times as I'm sure many others on here have but always enjoy my time out with my family no matter what.

Thanks for sharing.



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The fish were out at half tide rocks flatheadluke.I got a couple of salmon,3 flathead and 4 good bream plus a few under size flathead and bream.I was landbased on ettalong beach side from 6am to 9:30am

Was using pillies and fresh prawns


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Guest Guest123456789
1 hour ago, antonywardle said:

no fish in Brisbane waters today. I spent a long time not catching any!


Oh no! Well that was my Saturday so you're not alone.

All that effort for not even one fish, I know it's called fishing not catching but come on! On the other hand the system is under enormous recreational and commercial pressure so expectations can't be too high.

i may be a one season boater, all the cost and effort to not catch anything is hardly worth it. Might go back to targeting luderick and bonito off the stones, I know I can catch them consistently.

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Guest Guest123456789
3 hours ago, Time28 said:

The fish were out at half tide rocks flatheadluke.I got a couple of salmon,3 flathead and 4 good bream plus a few under size flathead and bream.I was landbased on ettalong beach side from 6am to 9:30am

Was using pillies and fresh prawns


Good to hear well done. Have you fished Marks Point/Belmont bay at Lake Mac?

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Brisbane Waters can be a funny place to fish.

Sometimes its red hot and you are assured of a feed every time you hit the water, other times it seems to be baron of fish.

Not sure why this  happens, tides, moon phase, bait fish, who knows but it is always a good day when you are on the water


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