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Rougher than she looks


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Took the dog for a walk along the beach at 2.30pm and conditions did not look great but they looked pretty good, or good enough. Plan was to anchor at a spot I had a hunch about so decided to get everything ready. Got to the ramp at 4.30pm and waited for my first mate.....Bugger the wind had picked up, it was not too good. Only one other boat was out, never a good sign. We both agreed that if we went out we were confident we would have a session, so the call was made and we launched. Wow, she was rougher then she looked alright. Very short and very deep sloppy top water. Anchored up and let a lot of rope out to try and make it comfy and ensure we would hold. Have to say I nailed it. Got us  Starboard facing the structure we were targeting and on the right side of it to the current.

Set the burley up and began. Now here is the funny thing, actually very upsetting. We both have similar gear, used the same weight jig heads and the same lures and fished the same style.....I got Down Troud today. Can't believe it!. It's almost as upsetting to me as The Donald winning the presidency. That's never happened to me on my own boat. It's normally me catching and everyone wondering what I am doing different. Not today though. My first mate struck and schooled me. He even caught a big brown Cod, beautiful looking thing. It is back on the reef unharmed.

However I did mark the spot, and got us bang on and it was my gut that decided that this would be a good spot to try. Love it when a plan come together, love it more if I am hooking up. Anyway we brought 7 snapper back, of which 4 were a good size. Unfortunately the lightning came and big walls of rain were coming down the coast right for us so we pulled up early at 7pm and missed the best of the evening, I am sure that if we stayed I would have clawed back. Got back to ramp and outta there straight home. Going out again tomorrow as I have another hunch about a place and a technique to try.

If you don't see a report by Friday, you know I failed.


Sorry no photos as was very rocky and we left in a big hurry.



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You need to have the same POLICY that i have on my boat "HE/SHE WHO OUTFISHES THE SKIPPER CLEANS THE BOAT".... Still waiting for my wife to clean the boat from the last trip !!!!

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Hey Raymondo, I was fishing in 16m. Went out yesterday as well but did not get on the spot until 7am so again missed the best time. However I did get 6 snapper. Not huge, no knobs and not worth a report.

At around 9am when it went dead I went to the 35m mark and fished micro jigs. Barracuda on every drop, moved again and there they were. Lost two jigs, not happy. Went to sand at 45m and they were not there but neither was anything else. Went to 50, 60, 70 and way out past the humps to 80. There were everywhere. Every drop I was getting a Cuda. I had to tie 20cm of 60 pound leader to the end of my Flour Carbon leader so I did not lose everything and I was replacing that constantly. 

Back at the Ramp there were tales of blokes bringing in some big snapper from the 50m mark. I think these guys were bottom bouncing. Using Micro Jigs I was getting hit on the way down and up.

At the 60m mark I caught the biggest Cuda I have ever seen and I thought I was in on a Red. Was so gutted when it came up a Cuda and my leader was shredded. Threw in the towel and headed back after that.

Beautiful day on the water. Came across dolphins and had two whales come close to the boat. Great day to be out.

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Yea the Cudas are annoying at the moment. Headed off Kiama yesterday, covered a lot of ground trying to get away from the toothy critters. Ended up slow jigging a reef at the 100 meter mark , got a few nice reddies one going a tad over 4 kilo. Its a long wind up when you hook something decent. Caught the smallest kingie Ive ever seen , didn't measure but estimate 25cm or so. Water was warm (20c) ,clean and brilliant blue at 100 meters. Checked out the Kiama FAD , no residents yet but can confirm its at the DPI coordinates. Overall a great day to be on the water , roll on summer.

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On 11/9/2016 at 9:53 PM, 4myson said:

You need to have the same POLICY that i have on my boat "HE/SHE WHO OUTFISHES THE SKIPPER CLEANS THE BOAT".... Still waiting for my wife to clean the boat from the last trip !!!!

Good policy. I like to clean the boat and my first mate likes to fillet the fish. We do have a policy of catch split no matter who catches what on my boat. Not nice to send someone away with no fish or bugger all fish. So although I was gutted I was actually quite happy as every fish he pulled up was a fillet for me.

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18 hours ago, Raymondo said:

Yea the Cudas are annoying at the moment. Headed off Kiama yesterday, covered a lot of ground trying to get away from the toothy critters. Ended up slow jigging a reef at the 100 meter mark , got a few nice reddies one going a tad over 4 kilo. Its a long wind up when you hook something decent. Caught the smallest kingie Ive ever seen , didn't measure but estimate 25cm or so. Water was warm (20c) ,clean and brilliant blue at 100 meters. Checked out the Kiama FAD , no residents yet but can confirm its at the DPI coordinates. Overall a great day to be on the water , roll on summer.

100m that's a long way down and a long way up. When I found cudas as 80m I gave up. Water was beautiful blue as you said. Also was catching huge Slimies off the bottom in deep water. Going after flathead today and they will make good bait.

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