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Cronulla Visitor Catch report


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Hi Fisho's 

Over here on holiday from the UK for 9 weeks and staying with my daughter and grandkids in South Cronulla and plan to get a few trips in whilst here. Landed last Tuesday and it took till Fiday to get over the jet lag so I took the opportunity to get to Tackle World at Tarren Point to get my licience and bait supplies.

First session was on Saturday night on the rocks south off Shark Island, met a guy called Phil who was already fishing there and he said he caught a Stingray about 20 kilo earlier but his main quarry was sharks and that he had caught 2 on Thursday night. He the got another small sting ray before I caught my first fish of the holiday a Banjo Shark, sea got a bit rough and it was dark so I called it a day.

Next trip was on Monday night to the rocks on the south end of South Cronulla beach, met Greg who was Squid fishing and he gave me a few tips about the mark. In the hour I was there I managed to get a stingray and a Shovell Nose Shark and with it being the supermoon night there were plenty of folk about and a couple from Canada took these photos for me. 



My next trip was to Finders Point in Port Hacking yesterday and I managed to get 7 Port Jackson Shark, 1 Bream and a Flathead all undersize and returned.

Uptill now I've really enjoyed the fishing and the fellow fisho's I've spoken to. Lilli Pilli is my next planned trip but given my daughter live 2 minutes from the sea I might get a few additional casts before then.






Edited by dfmdab
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