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South Coast King


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Hi Guys, bit of a late report although better late than never. headed down the coast last weekend for a weekend away (friday to sunday). on the water by 5:30am we headed to the squid grounds to see if we could bag a few calamari for bait. took a little while although managed to bag some smaller calamari and decided to continue on to the next spot to try for some yakkas or slimies if we were lucky. found the yakkas pretty easy although only managed 2 slimies. 1 of which was a good 30cm and fat slimie. got the rods ready and headed over to the north side cliffs before bridling a slimie and sending him down on the downrigger. swell was a little more than expected which made downrigging quite difficult. being pushed around like we were in a washing mashine although we continued on while keeping an eye on the conditions. there were a few boats trolling along close by. 

it wasn't until around an hour or so into trolling up and down the cliff when finally the rod buckled over and the reel started screaming. we gassed it out to tow the fish away from structure while pulling in the other rods and raising the downrigger. once into safer ground, we started working the fish up. after many runs, finally he decided to show himself..a nice hoodlum....got him into the net and brought him onboard :) measued in at 105cm & 10kgs. couldnt wipe the smile off our faces..dont mind the pic lol. 

after this, we sent down the 2nd slimie only to be nailed not long after by a beast of a king which won the battle. hit the reef before we got a chance to turn him. 80lb leader came back absolutely shreaded. :( 



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8 minutes ago, krause said:

Very nice fish, you've got to love re-tying 10m of leader because they somehow destroy it all...

haha ye, not os fun in a lump swell either. i normally have a few spare pre-made rigs with me. check the braid and no marks so change the rig and ready to go again :) 


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Awesome fish mate. 

They are definitely around. We encountered a school of them today on the rocks. They smashed our light gears and weren't interested in any Pillies. We ran out of baits because of all the small fishes. Eventually we stripped a sergeant baker and the action kept going. Six hooked up all together, two on hard bodies. A few rats to send back and a few good sized landed home for diner. ?

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