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Narooma rock spinning


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Hi fishraiders,

The family and I are heading to Narooma  to visit the in-laws on 16th Of December.I was wondering if anyone could share local knowledge of the area. I am hoping to target king fish spinning from the stones. Also where can I get yakkas/squid land based. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Have a merry XMAS and a fantastic New Year.






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There are a few nice little land based spots that may turn up a king, especialy going by the ones I saw last weekend in 3m of water following schools of salmon ( these were around Glass House rocks not really rock platform country).

The first place for a bit of land based would have to be off the Narooma golf coarse. I would park up near the marine rescue headquarters ( easy to find ) from there head along the cliff south about 200m untill you see a nice safe rock ledge with a life ring. You can walk straight across the golf coarse as the public have access but golfers often get cranky at you.

Another place is down at Mystery bay just south of Narooma. Head down the Mystery bay road where you will spot a basic camp ground on the left nearly at the end of road. Turn into the campground and drive about 200m, when you get close to the cliff edge jump out and take a look to see if you can once again see life rings. If you get to the end of the track take a look at the little beach which tends to have some good shells my family often enjoy searching through ( best at the north end).

if you missed the turn to the camp you will come to a beach area where a sand spit leads out to another rock platform lower to the water. This is a good spot to flick lures and drops of deep quickly. If you snorkell we often get good rock lobsters from this area even through summer. There's toilets and BBQ at this area. On the way home from Mystery take a look at Corunna lake on your left a couple of km heading back to Narooma. More picknick areas under the shade of the trees with some good dusky flathead just out infront.

At times squid can be caught from the boardwalk and more regularly from the main boat ramp jettys after dark at Apex park. Heading back to Narooma from this area is Mill bay where the parks and wildlife and marine rescue boats are kept. There are a couple of narrow dodgy little jettys in this area that can fish very well for squid, there's also a new walkway under the he bridge that ma be worth a flick.

The main fishing wharf where the charter boats are based can at times hold yakkas and a few slimeys especially if there's been burley left in any of the charter boat burley pots. Another spot you may want to try getting some bait is the other side of the shark nets on the beach. If you burley a little you can often pick up lots of very small salmon about 150mm, don't forget the 5 bag limit applys.

Pick up a free marine parks map from any of the tackle stores or even at the boat ramp just to make sure you don't fish in a sanctuary zone.

Just make sure you don't leave coolers or tackle outside your acomadation over night, there are a few ratbag kids who wonder through the camp grounds every now and then.



Edited by JonD
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