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Left at 5am, gear in the car and hit the road for my first Aussie Bass attempt. By 6 I'm by the water at the chosen spot on the beautiful Nepean river, regardless of the calm of the moment the surface is "boiling" with activity... this will be fun I thought! ?

A couple of hours later I had this stupid grin stuck on my face... and it still won't go off.

Landed 3 bass and had a few more hits on topwaters.

Tried the jitterbug, the pop-r, the buzzjet, the tinny torpedo and the gunfish at the surface and a couple of cranks and jerks.

All strikes were on the tinny torpedo and the pop-r.


This beauty (in its 30s) was the best fish of the session and just smashed a tinny torpedo!



Thank you for being so nice, hope We see each other again!

Still have to spend many more hours after them until I feel I know how to fish them but they've got me hooked for good!!


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1 hour ago, MattGb1989 said:

Congrats on your first bass. I'm contemplating have ago for them tomorrow just trying to figure out where. What did you look for when choosing an area?? Again will done bud beautiful first bass

Thanks Matt! 

Being my first attempt and land based, I looked for easy access to water that seemed a bit deeper close to the shore.

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50 minutes ago, big Neil said:

Ok Basseeker that's you initiated into Aussie fishing. Great place to wet a line isn't it? Good report mate. Keep it up. BN

Tks Neil, I'm stoked! There's a whole new world out there to be explored... ?

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5 minutes ago, Basseeker said:

Thanks Matt! 

Being my first attempt and land based, I looked for easy access to water that seemed a bit deeper close to the shore.

Thanks for the advise I'll be keeping my eye out for possible spots and further posts from you bud. 

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42 minutes ago, Mike89 said:

Still haven't had a dig at these guys myself yet!

Nice job. What sort of setup are you using?

I'm guessing a 1000 reel to a small 6ft spin rod and 6lb leader would be fine?


That's pretty much what u need.

I use braid on the lures from the shore, not so much thinking of the fish but more of recovering them lures when snagged...  it's a heartache to loose some of them and I tend to cast thigh to cover to entice them.

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To the bassmasters out there, next time I want to try some plastics, do you guys use the Texas rig? I couldn't find any bullet sinkers in the shops I visited and it didn't seem like a good idea to fill my suitcases with lead when I came here... ?

At times I use jigheads but the weedless effect of a Texas rig is unbeatable! Any comments?


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Good stuff Basseeker! You beat my bass PB on your first time :) 

I'm not overly experienced with bass fishing, but the bass we have here tend to be quite a bit smaller than the largemouth bass you would be used to in South America. I know Aus bass take worms, but a texas rig might be a bit too big for them, unless you set up a "mini" texas rig. Can't hurt to give it a try!



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9 hours ago, Wellzy94 said:

Good stuff Basseeker! You beat my bass PB on your first time :) 

I'm not overly experienced with bass fishing, but the bass we have here tend to be quite a bit smaller than the largemouth bass you would be used to in South America. I know Aus bass take worms, but a texas rig might be a bit too big for them, unless you set up a "mini" texas rig. Can't hurt to give it a try!



I'm on the right track then!! ?

Although the aussie bass has a much smaller mouth and probably does not reach the size of the largemouth I am used to (in Europe, never been to South America), the way fish engulf their prey tells me they can perfectly deal with a Texas rig... as you say, give it a try I will, possibly with a crawfish instead of a worm for a smaller profile. Will let you know of the results! Cheers ?

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1 hour ago, p-ziller said:

Good job mate!! There are some big ones around at the moment, congrats on your first bass!!!

If you need a few more spots in the area or somebody to tag along let me know.



Tks mate, for sure I will need to explore more fishing ground and having someone to share the fun with is always a must.

Will let you know of my next go at them.


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