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A quick trip after school


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Headed out to the fad with the kids after school where we were lucky enough to get three little dolphin fish for dinner. My daughter jumped in to take a look and was amazed by just how many fish there were around the trap and also how hard it was to get them interested in baits or lures (no current). Hundreds of dolphin fish and even plenty of small kings and the odd amberjack were milling around.

On the way home we came across several large patches of small leather jackets, one patch had around 10 whaler sharks feeding on them, unfortunately the sharks moved on before she could get in the water with her camera gear. She may have some footage but hasn't downloaded the card yet as she's away today on another triathlon, talking of which she was joint third in her age group at Husky at the weekend (over 5000 competitors).

My young lad who normally gets sick so doesn't come out to often really enjoyed the trip and now keeps on to go again which is good news.




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Nice one Jon, the fishing off Narooma/Bermi has certainly been more productive than up around the Bay.  Last two mornings have been slim pickings, with the sweep turning up everywhere at the moment.  Great result getting out with the family, well done. Cheers......


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Just now, Croydon said:

Nice one Jon, the fishing off Narooma/Bermi has certainly been more productive than up around the Bay.  Last two mornings have been slim pickings, with the sweep turning up everywhere at the moment.  Great result getting out with the family, well done. Cheers......



The sweep and jackets have been making life tough but my daughter has been finding lots of kings with the sweep so don't move away just because the sweep turn up.

On one recent trip I was hand feeding sweep at the surface when the kings suddenly decided to muscle them out, dozens of small 50cm kings grabbed fish from my hands in a frenzy. My daughter jumped in with a dead striped tuna and was getting crashed into by hungry kings, there were better sized fish bellow the rats.

With my daughters freediving skills being so good we are learning huge amounts about both the fish and the location we have fished for years. It's incredibly exciting to find kings regularly holding in shallow water where we would have never fished for them before.

One thing I can say is if you find bait anywhere around Montague, simply stay with it as sooner or later these roaming kings will find it.

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Thanks Jon, that's really interesting.  It's amazing what you find out when you have a bit of a swim.  I've been following your daughters exploits on here and some of the photography is just amazing.  Good on you both for getting out.  Looks like I'll be sorting through some sweep over the next few weeks....  Cheers..


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14 hours ago, tyrone07 said:

Nice report mate, do you not get worried about your daughter getting in the water that far out with currents etc? Have seen some footage, recently down your way as well of some very big Noah's being caught 

Of coarse you have to try to be as safe as possible but in all truth most sharks spook off very easely and feeding sharks tend to be focused only on the prey fish.

As her skill has developed so have dangers from blackouts due to such long breath holds. An average person heads straight to the surface as soon as they feel that need for air but freedivers learne to go well beyond those urges, where  things can go wrong. So yes it is a worry especially when she goes well past my capabilities ( a week ago she recovered fishing gear from 31m )

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