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First Marlin


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Hi everyone, 

Finally got around to making a little video of my dads first Marlin he caught a couple of years ago. 

Just thought I'd post it and hopefully get some good vibes out there for everyone going out for Marlin soon.

Cheers, Aeger

 (FYI you don't need Instagram to view the vid). 


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1 hour ago, bessell1955 said:

I have to agree with Mike 89.:wacko:


1 hour ago, Mike89 said:

Would love to see the video but cannot see it! Is it up on the tube?


Hey guys, no it's not up on youtube but that's weird that you guys can't see it? I even got my mate that doesn't have Instagram to check if the link worked. Anyway sorry about the inconvenience.

I might upload it to yt tomorrow and paste the link here.  



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2 hours ago, Volitan said:

Good on him for the good clean release.


The release is by far the best part of catching a marlin. Seeing them swim away healthy is a great feeling. 

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Just now, Kingie Pursuer said:

was it the only one of the day?


Hey kingie pursuer. Well to be fair we actually hooked another Marlin and a mahi but they both spat the hook within four seconds

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