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Success In The Hacking

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Hi Guys

We started off the day trying to target some squid for bait and maybe a feed, we had a go at our first spot which usually pays off but no luck, so we headed over to another spot close by and in no time we were on, fished it for about an hour and managed to get 5 nice sized green eyes all around 30cm hood size. we then headed a couple of km out the heads to bottom bash for some blue spot flat head, we landed 3 on 2 drops down then my brother in-law started feeling sick and instead of staying there and ruining his day I decided to head back inside go pump some nippers and try a spot inside the Hacking which paid off and also goes to show that good bait produces good fish, we used one squid for bait and took the rest home for a feed we also caught a nice size Salmon which we released as we had more then enough for the day.


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