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Hairies are on

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The last 4 weekend we have found them on and the schools are big as long as you can keep the bait up to them they will stay around

but when you get a boat full of hairies and teeth trying to eat you it is very hard to keep the bait in the water and then they are gone have to wait till they return

even with burly they don't stay

I will be back out on Saturday night having a go again in the cold cold night.


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21 hours ago, JohnDory said:

Where did that bait board come from???

I thought bait was banned from the good ship Fishraider! (As well as my chicken schnitzel sandwiches)



It is pretty much the only time we allow bait onboard Dave. The boat had to be gernied today and cleaned from head to toe. I have spent several hours washing all our stinking clothes etc

Its a hard life :)


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Hi Donna and Stewy, what sort of rig is used to catch the Hairtail. Think I read somewhere that they swim vertically in the water column. Is that right? Do you eat the ones you catch? Cheers, Neil

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Thanks guys we had a really enjoyable arvo/evening. We got there at around 3ish and left about 8 :frozen:

We caught several and threw them back. I had a hugeeeeee one on and lost it and swordie did not catch any hairtail at all :fisher:He caught a few tailor and small jewies, very small not worth talking about   :mfr_lol:

@Farvos we went to Waratah Bay then onto Jerusalem Bay. Scratchie yes it was Fishraider Strait of course and as we sat there waiting alone in total silence I reflected on all our socials where we all sat in the cold of night yelling across the way at each other, great fun memories. I wanted to yell out when I caught one each time out of habit but realised we were the only ones there!!

It was a really good session and we enjoyed the fresh air and the weather was not too cold. Take your favourite burley mix, some pillies or livies and go get em raiders.

There is a great article on the art of hairtailing here in our Articles section


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