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kembla hairies !


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went with krause to try for some early morning kings in pt kembla yesterday, no real luck there, a couple of rats and krause picked a up a few flatties. Of more interest were the way livies disappeared all morning. Couldn't figure out what was going on. There'd be something obvious happening at the rod tip but no matter for no matter how long it was left noting more ever came back except bits - bitten in half, or shredded, with pieces hanging off - of ex-yellowtail. We had no idea what it was. Then, not even the last cast, merely reelilng up a livey after releasing all he unused ones, there was a big heavy weight on the end of the. Surprise, surprise, surprise! The amazing sight of a big midday hairtail squirming back and forth under the yak. A few swipes with the net and it threw the hook. Mystery solved and anyone down that way in the next few days, might want to keep them in mind. Most of them came from just off the end of the northern (the one slightly back) break wall.

Anyone know, are they normal down there?

Are circle hooks (what we were using - with no wire trace!) any good on hairies?

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Nah mate better to use trebles with a trace. Use a baiting needle with a pillie to target them, under a float and light too. They taste ok if bled and eaten fresh. Not all tackle shops sell tackle for them but some Asian tackle outlets do. Good luck and tight lines.


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Hairies at Port? That's a first, I've fished that point good on 20 years now and have not come across them there ever. Usually unweighted pilchards on gang hooks targeting tailor so if they were there I would have hooked one at least once in the 20 years.

What do they look like on the sounder? Might have a night session floating about on the point and target them instead of the tailors and Jews during winter.

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have to ask krause re. sounder - strange, I believe, as in not kingifsh. Or maybe someone else here has been good enough to grab a screen shot of some?

Lungfai, There were ton's of them, well worth paddling out to see if they're still there. There were so many I actually ended up fishing around them. Couldn't get a hook up - I think big sinkers might have been part of that problem, that and not realising what they were until too late.

arthur, ta for the trebles tip.

I have heard since that they do turn up in the port from time to time.

Edited by HenryR
100th post :)
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