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Central Coast


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Had a few of days at the Central Coast last week (Wagstaffe) and managed to get out for a fish on a couple of occasions. Had a crack at Winnie Bay for the drummer one arvo but despite the good wash and plenty of burley only managed one throw-back and a silver. Next day though I took the little tinnie out around the front of Hardys Bay and had a more productive session on the flathead. I went out at dawn to catch the last hour or 2 of the run out tide which seems to be more productive, although I know other guys find the run-in better, personal preference I suppose.


Anyway the conditions were perfect - I nice current flow but not raging  and no wind. Found a patch of broken weed and sand and started flicking my squidgy wriggler tail lure. Didn't take long before I had a take no more than a meter from shore. Typical take on plastics - after the first lift and drop of the lure I lifted to find weight - could just as easily have been weed but I struck anyway and sure enough an average sized flattie of around 45cm was in the net after only 10 minutes fishing! No more interest there so I moved another 20 meters over the same weed bed and on my second cast had a solid take quite near the boat, the fish came to the surface quickly and was shaking its head wildly trying to dislodge the lure but wasn't actually swimming far at all so I quickly needed it before it decided to head off as I could see it was a good fish and would have been a handful if it ran hard with me using only 8lb leader. This one was closer to 60cm and quite thick .


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A few more casts and this time a really aggressive take and the fish took off on a mad run. Straight away I knew this was going to be tricky and even said something to myself that I didn't like my chances with this fish. Sure enough a few more erratic runs and changes in direction and the leader popped. It felt like a fairly big flathead but funny how some are just way more aggressive than others when hooked.

I thought that would be the end of my luck but as I'd only been at it for less than an hour I tied another jig head on and had a few more flicks and before long had another decent fish of around 50cm in the boat - along with a couple of strikes that didn't connect. 

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So all up a great little session in glassy conditions. Don't think I've ever found the flathead so keen to hit a lure as they were today and in waters that are heavily fished. As other Raiders have said recently this time of year seems to be prime for some estuary fishing. Maybe they are trying to bulk up on food before the winter shut down?



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I personally don't think the flathead shut down through winter all fish need to feed to survive they just move to different areas within the estuary and focus their attention on the most abundant prey so is worthwhile trying a few different lures. Have been finding some real good lizards in Brisbane Waters, plenty there.

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