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Port Hacking


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Headed out early this morning, up from Lilli Pilli. The water is a bit cooler, and becoming clearer.

The tailor were biting early during low light, then disappeared after that. Pillies and salted bonnie strips were the baits. Apart from one nice fish, the others are a bit smaller than over the previous few weeks.

The jackets took squid pieces, and I threw back more than I kept due to their small size.

Not as many little reddies biting this morning.

Only hooked one yakka amongst the sweep, It was a bit bigger than I wanted, but put it out as a livie. The yakka swam near the bottom for some time before the rod tip moved and the reel started spinning. Not a fast run but slow and steady.

Gave it time then raised the rod tip and it was on. A few head shakes and it swam deep, backwards and forwards, not too fast, head shakes, thought maybe a jewie. Then it headed to the surface and jumped - bloody salmon. Eventually into the boat, about 55cm long then released. Headed for home soon after.

As for the bream, threw out a line before launching the boat in Gunnamatta Bay.fish.jpeg.106.png

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2 hours ago, Scratchie said:

Nice work yowie! Bloody peskie salmon. Great fish to fight but terrible on the plate! 

Cheers scratchie!!!

Thanks Scratchie. The only yakka and a salmon grabs it. Still, I have enough for a couple of feeds.

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