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Back home again

big Neil

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Back home after a marathon trip on shanks's pony, bus, train, plane and car.

The horrible weather which was predicted for Sydney didn't happen. Caught up with some (older) relos, some old photo albums (yes they still exist) and quite a few Raiders, too.

Had a good old chinwag with Jocler and a brilliant day blackfishing with Ryder. Alas the fish weren't playing but we had a good shot at it. My first time fishing for the Blackfish, but hopefully, not the last. Very interesting past time indeed. Many thanks to John and Andrew for making me very welcome. Missed out on catching up with Wellzy but I did catch his flu...must have been via phone or something. Anyway minor set back this man flu. Back to the Murray Cod...NOW FOCUS NEIL. Cheers all, BN

Edited by big Neil
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2 hours ago, Rah said:

I was wondering how you got on over the weekend.

Shame there were no blackies for you. Next time eh.. :)




That's fishing Tara...always next time or "you should have been here yesterday". Cheers, Neil

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5 hours ago, luderick -angler said:

I'll catch you next time Neil. Heard you run into a few of the boys! They told me the fishing was tough. 

I'll look forward to catching up with the "blackfish brigade" again on my next visit. Cheers, BN

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