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Parra river quick fish on boat 21/5/17

Ojay Samson

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Hey raiders, haven’t made report in a while so here’s one from Sunday:

Launched local on Sunday arvo for a 2pm-8pm fishing session. Forgot one of the bags that had the floating torch when we were about to leave the dock, so off I went to go get it (lucky we decided to launch local as original plan was to go to botany so only took about 5 minutes to get torch). Weather was good but didn’t venture to far. Ended up loitering around the Gladesville bridge area to try a new spot my mate was saying was successful whenever his brother went.
There was plenty of activity on the sounder and a lot of visual activity with boils happening all around the boat. We could see in the water thousands of whitebaits fleeing from predators all around us. This lasted a long while to the point where we gave up as the predators were just not interested in what we had to offer, only getting 2 solid hits from very nice greenbacks (tailor). I lost one boat side as it managed to chomp through my line as we were looking for the Gopro (for footage before netting lol), and my mate lost another one boat-side (the only consolation being was visual confirmation of what they were before we lost the fish. All up we managed to catch 4 flatties with 2 keepers and 1 keeper bream.  the fish were not interested in the bait we had out (prawns), only managing to catch a few undersize breams. The rest of the action from the day was from working plastics and metals. Was a good little arvo session all in all. Heres a screenshot of what the sounder was looking like for most of the afternoon/ evening (didnt get a shot of the predators attacking the baitball from under/ pretty cool thing to see as it was happening).



Working on a small video of the session as this was the first outing with the new toy (gopro hero 5 black) supplemented with mate’s hero 4 silver. EDIT - Finished video: Click here

On a side note, had a previous session way back in March but was very lazy to post anything up. There exists a vid for anyone interested. Pretty much just a video of a day trip on the boat in Sydney harbour on a choppy day with the gf and parents, managing to have fun landing some fish for the table, and having fun on light gear with some rats. Link: Click here 

Have had many other quick sessions land based throwing plastics around and there really wasn't anything to write home about with some sessions producing absolutely no action and others just having fun with plague choppers.

Thanks for your attention.

Edited by Ojay Samson
inserted new vid of fishing session
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On 5/23/2017 at 1:37 AM, Scratchie said:

Great little video Ojay! Kings are always fun no matter what size! 

Cheers scratchie!!! 

On 5/24/2017 at 11:06 AM, Reel' em in said:

Nice Video mate 

20 hours ago, sam bros said:

Great fishing session

Video was also very good

Thanks for the nice words all, I genuinely  appreciate it. Glad you all enjoyed the vids (I seem to be getting into making videos as a new hobby it appears, and its good to know the end product is not considered complete rubbish to some haha). 

Very right Scratchie, kings are great fun no matter what size (especially on the light gear).

5 hours ago, fragmeister said:

Nice  one OJ,

I like the look of the big arch near the bottom of the sounder  in the 3rd pic...  I would pick that for a sizeable Jew.

Cheers and keep them coming...





Thanks Jim, you should have seen the sounder when it was really on... that was the only pic i managed to get on my phone as i still didn't know how to take screenshots on my sounder at the time lol. At the time I was flicking a sizeable grub on the medium gear hoping to get the attention of those bigger arches but unfortunately they didn't want to play ball haha (tried 3" grubs/ rapala sxr10's and halco roosta popper (4")).

I'll try pump them out as they happen, thanks again.

3 hours ago, luderick -angler said:

Times like this is where eye flies and a good 8 weight comes into its own 

Its funny you mention that as I was thinking the exact same thing at the time. Fly fishing is next on the list of things i need to start getting into as it seems like its usually the magic bullet when  the fish are being picky on other forms of fishing. Needing to invest in some gear would be a good start i reckon haha.

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4 hours ago, Ojay Samson said:

Thanks for the nice words all, I genuinely  appreciate it. Glad you all enjoyed the vids (I seem to be getting into making videos as a new hobby it appears, and its good to know the end product is not considered complete rubbish to some haha). 

Very right Scratchie, kings are great fun no matter what size (especially on the light gear).

Thanks Jim, you should have seen the sounder when it was really on... that was the only pic i managed to get on my phone as i still didn't know how to take screenshots on my sounder at the time lol. At the time I was flicking a sizeable grub on the medium gear hoping to get the attention of those bigger arches but unfortunately they didn't want to play ball haha (tried 3" grubs/ rapala sxr10's and halco roosta popper (4")).

I'll try pump them out as they happen, thanks again.

Its funny you mention that as I was thinking the exact same thing at the time. Fly fishing is next on the list of things i need to start getting into as it seems like its usually the magic bullet when  the fish are being picky on other forms of fishing. Needing to invest in some gear would be a good start i reckon haha.

I have been doing a bit shore based lately in the Parra River and have hooked some good Kings amd salmon in shallow bays it's magic mate. You can throw a perfect imitation a mile where you could not on a spin stick! Invest in a good outfit if you choose to as it will last a lifetime as opposed to a cheaply! Here's a salmon from a shallow bay in Five Dock land based!


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12 hours ago, fragmeister said:


I like the look of the big arch near the bottom of the sounder  in the 3rd pic...  I would pick that for a sizeable Jew.






would have been good if you hooked up something that big

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Speaking of arches OJAY...

This image taken along the line of boat moorings on the Drummoyne side of the bridge.

It is one of many images I took that day that covered about a 100 metre section of the moorings.

The line running straight through at the depth of the fish is the down-rigger bomb on which I had a whole squid that I had caught earlier that day.

I put the right bait in the zone and didn't get a hit!

I thought perhaps that the arches were something else but I showed this to the guys that ran the Fishraider sounder night and they said it was probably jewies.





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39 minutes ago, fragmeister said:

Speaking of arches OJAY...

This image taken along the line of boat moorings on the Drummoyne side of the bridge.

It is one of many images I took that day that covered about a 100 metre section of the moorings.

The line running straight through at the depth of the fish is the down-rigger bomb on which I had a whole squid that I had caught earlier that day.

I put the right bait in the zone and didn't get a hit!

I thought perhaps that the arches were something else but I showed this to the guys that ran the Fishraider sounder night and they said it was probably jewies.





Oh wow Jim, I would have quietly rage quit and probably just packed it up and went home haha. I know that type of frustration... for me it's just a burn job lol, especially with the visuals  of undeniably nice fish with primo bait literally dangling in front of their faces and no interest. Ah well that's fishing, and I guess part of the allure of it all.
Your sounder image gives me reassurance for not having a downrigger though, in that having and using one is not a magic bullet to being guaranteed a  fish lol, And if the fish are not willing to play, there is literally not a single thing you can do about it (short of being a commercial fisher and using a indiscriminatory drag net or something).

Cheers OJ

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That's where I caught my first and only legal Jew on a strip of chicken breast.

City side of the gladesville bridge on the Hunters Hill  / Lane cove just at the mouth of the little river opening.

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