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Pikes and ide, new pb.


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Short fishing session yestarday. Me and my dad, went fishing near shawmill, area where is lot of tweed, or ”sea grass”. Usually there is redfinns, but not now. First fish was 2kg pike, soon i catch smaller pike, both by softplastic. Then my dad catch pike allso, by ”old style” gears. Then we drive shore, take Vili from school with us. Drive back to same spot and eat some lunch on boat. After  that couple of casts and catch redfinn. Couple of minutes after that lure stay to grass and i pulling and pulling really hard. But it was fish  Ide (Leuciscus idus). I was quite exiting, becouse it was good size and fight like hell, even is it Carp family fish. Anyway, use net and fish on boat. Ide was 48cm/1.37kg, my PB. Nice trip, and soon i start made fishcakes on pann.






Edited by JaniFIN
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