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Soft plastics for game fish


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Depends on the situation. Surface feeding pelagics are generally more likely to bite if you match the hatch, retirieves can vary greatly and again can depend on the way the fish are feeding, Quite often deadsticking is more effective than just about any form of retrieve - use a worm hook and no weight especially on kings. Scungies (mack tuna) will prefer a fast retirive in most situations but matching the hatch is the most important, kings can be really fussy some days, other days they eat you out of the boat- I really like Sluggo style stickbaits for kings. Salmon - depends on the time of the year i find- Spring they tend to eating "eyes" which are actually crab larvae and can be really hard to tempt- Powerbait Casper clears are your best option on a really light jighead or worm hook, hardest part is casting the really light weight, other times of the year they eat anything. Jews are not really in the same equation as they rarely surface feed , most of mine have come on a two hop retrieve using a paddle tail softie 4-6 inches. What youve asked is very general and needs to be broken up a bit more

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