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Lost jew and a few flatties on the Georges


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Hit the Georges this morning in great conditions and a run in tide with lots of stars on the fishing chart. Had a a couple of blades and a soft vibe out and the rod in my hand was smashed by what I thought was the head shakes of a big flatty. Set the hooks and this thing took off and overtook the yak with some screaming runs of 50m or so. I retrieved the other lines and set off after it, wary of the 6lb braid breaking and wondering if the small blade would hold on. The fish headed into fairly shallow but snag free water and an extra head shake saw the lure come back all bashed up. I had only yesterday loaded it with W hooks and one pulled clean off the split ring and the other was straightened. Pretty sure this was a good jew lost:(

Things went quiet for a while and I caught a silver biddy so on it went as a livey. Did a 1 km lap of the area and returned to where I lost the fish. Started to get into a patch of flatties and landed a mid fifties on the livey.

Hung around until the tide started running out and got a nice flatty just shy of 70cm on a soft vibe. I had enough fish and was intending on releasing this one but it played up in the yak and did a few death rolls with the lip grippers splitting its lower jaw in half.

It had also engulfed the vibe and was worse for wear after the lure removal so it came home too.
Overall a promising session with another half dozen small flatties and a 40cm tailor released. Looking forward to some nice fillets over the next week or so 

Bashed up lure.jpg

57cm flatty on a silver biddy.jpg

55cm flatty with vibelicious.jpg

69cm flatty on vibelicious.jpg

Take home catch.jpg

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Good work as usual mate, u r the Georges guru!

Glad to see the bigger models lurking around our waterway , I lost a good lizard or could of been Jew right on HT yesterday, off to TW for some more blades! 



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