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Is spikey flathead actually a species


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    I've heard people refer to spikey flathead in two ways. Firstly as a small regular flathead and subject to size limits and secondly as an entirely separate species and not subject to size limits. I googled it and the only official looking thing  I could find was a document from 1935 that mentions long-spined or spikey flathead. This was an ACT document and says the minimum size is 9 inches.   

   I contacted DPI who said they are just small flathead and subject to normal size limits.

   I googled the ACT scientific name ( Longitrudh lougispinis) from that document and it doesn't appear anywhere else except in that document.

So some help please. Are spikey flathead a separate species or not?????



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The one that it could be "Longspine Flathead (Platycephalus grandispinis)" Thats where my money is going, though I don't have a lot so that must mean something.
Next time I go out and catch one or some one who does. Please get a couple of good photos, Head, Tail fanned out and a whole body shot and we can ID it.
Edited by Blackfish
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Platycephalus longispinnus.

According to different authors of books, "grows to 34cm", "grows to 38cm."

The biggest I have pulled up is 32cm, though most are around the 20 to 25cm mark.

No legal size for them, have caught them at 20cm with fat roe so obviously breed from a small size. I have eaten a few of the larger ones, and the fillets are rather tasty.

This species is very common at times, grabbing large baits meant for the bigger blue spot and tiger flatties. The fillets of the spikies are a great bait for other flatties in the deeper water, the fillets are tough and can hook several fish before needing replacing.

The spikes on the side of the head are very long, hence the nickname 'Spikey,' and I have suffered a number of puncture wounds to the fingers. The dorsal fins have a mild poison that affects my fingers when spiked, with a mild pain lasting half and hour or so.

In reality, Spikey flatties are a pain in the arse to remove from the hook.

Edited by Yowie
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