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Hi All;

Nothing suspicious going on.

Just a normal thing for the Northern Beaches.

As you may be aware there are huge kelp beds out off the coast.

Also there is a huge sandbar that stretches basically from North Head to Nobby,s.

That is why vessels waiting for a berth in Sydney or Newcastle moor out there.

Good holding ground for anchors.

There can at times. be a combination of big seas and ships swinging round the anchor break off the kelp and if an on shore wind it ends up on the beaches.

When it gets half buried in the sand especially in hot humid weather it ferments (goes half rotten ) and gets fly blown.

Result , kelp maggots in huge numbers.

All the real old hands used to make a bee line to fish the beaches.

Would be the best natural berley going (maybe a dead heat between these and rotten cunjie.)

All fish love them.

Just a normal part of nature.

Media or do gooders yelling and screaming can do absolutely bugger all.

Probably been going on for thousands of years.

Hope this may be of help.




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17 hours ago, Oldfella said:

Hi All;

All the real old hands used to make a bee line to fish the beaches.

Would be the best natural berley going (maybe a dead heat between these and rotten cunjie.)

All fish love them.

Just a normal part of nature.

Media or do gooders yelling and screaming can do absolutely bugger all.

Probably been going on for thousands of years.

Hope this may be of help.




I'm with the Oldfella,,   Get fishin !!  

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