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Dart any good to eat


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41 minutes ago, Volitan said:

Are the swallowtail dart on the Central Coast any good to eat.

sometimes they seem to be all I catch.

So has anyone tried one ?



Hi Arron I reckon they're pretty good.  Not much meat on them but they taste nice.  Definitely worth keeping some next time.

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On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 3:40 PM, PaddyT said:

Yep- very tasty- just not much meat, theyve pretty much got the same diet as whiting

Paddy T

On a side note to the taste of fish versus their diet.

Why do you think silver drummer taste so different to black drummer?

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7 hours ago, Houdini said:

Paddy T

On a side note to the taste of fish versus their diet.

Why do you think silver drummer taste so different to black drummer?

they seem to have different habits, spent my younger years spear fishing but scratching some 20 year old memories the silver drummer seemed to spend more time grazing across open rocky bottom where the blacks were more hard up against the bommies so I'm guessing their day to day feeding habits may be different, their flesh is also much softer than blacks and bruises really badly

Edited by dirvin21
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rock cockies or cale  eat the same and they are crap too...I have had one family that wanted all the cockies I caught but they use them for bait in lobster pots...as for dart  sometimes they have a funny smell so I throw them back...rick

Edited by rickmarlin62
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Good question, never eaten a silver but my understanding is that they are pretty exclusively an algae grazer where as pigs are just that- pigs- they eat cunje,crabs , weed , even caught them on pillies a few times. But sure ,happy to accept that what a fish eats is not the be all and end all to their eating quality and personal taste has a lot to do with it too.

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I can say for a fact that fish taste different depending on their diet. I love the taste of bream that live on the sandflats and each mainly prawn and nippers, although I don't eat them too much because of their slow growth rates. I once tried a bream I caught off the rocks which ate algae and cunjee and it tasted really fishy and wasn't very nice.

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