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Huon kings

Drought Breaker

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It’s been a no go zone all February so I haven’t heard anything. I have heard that there are a lot of sharks hanging around the pens though... with the usual quotes “never seen so many sharks”, “I wouldn’t put a toe in the water” etc. and I also read that the dolphin watch boats are not seeing the dolphins in that area like they normally do - they reckon they’re staying well clear of the sharks.

Having said that, there’s plenty of places to fish at Port and plenty of fish to target. There’s a heap of marlin around... some of the boats in the last two game comps tagged 10 or more a day. The forecast is not looking too bad for the weekend... of course it’s looking good - I’m working! I can’t get out until Monday - slight seas but southerlies predicted I might fish south but you never know. ? From Wednesday, I’m on holidays. ? Bring it on! ? ? ? 

Edited by Berleyguts
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Great advice Baz. Plenty of places to fish not just the kingfish pens. Although I still have 10 filleted in the freezer! Port is always worth a trip even if you don’t catch any fish! :) 

cheers scratchie!!! 

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14 hours ago, rickmarlin62 said:

still cant get near pens and stacks of bulls and a large tiger homing in on any fish hooked...miles of reef and washes to hit..rick

Thanks for feedback fellas. Rick are boats still not allowed to go near pens? 



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I’m at the  kingfish pens now with 2 other boats. Not a lot of action. Got a live yakka out. Half a pillie and flicking lures. The depth alam on my sounderkeeps going off due to bait under the boat. Frustrating!

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