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Sat Morning Kings


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Hi Raiders hope that you are enjoying the awesome early Autumn weather. 

With my eldest sons cricket finally over i could start to look at doing some fishing again on Saturday mornings. 

All the conditions looked right for an early start on Saturday so headed over arriving at around just after 6. One little issue there were 5 others there already. So i rigged up and hooked on a nice size garfish these were a little bigger than normal so added an extra gang hook and then tied it on. 

Walked over to the shelf said good morning and the guys parted ways and let me in. I asked how the fishing was and they said nothing yet and said maybe you can change the luck. I noticed one of the other guys was also using garfish. My first cast and i was about half way in when i felt a hit i stopped for a moment and then started to retrieve but no more hits. I cast out and let it sink then started to retrieve when the other guy had a hit and hooked up landing a just legal kingy. I kept winding and then took a hit i stopped and i could see that he was coming back so left it and he picked up the bait and headed down. I landed pretty quick and it was an undersized king so back he went. 

As i was rebaiting the other guy hooked up and landed a nice 75cm kingy was a nice fat fish too. I kept casting and one more hit but no hook up. The other guy hooked up to something really big but it busted off pretty quick. I would say daddy kingy.

As soon as it started they were gone i kept throwing garfish for another hour then swapped to metals. The other guys kept going with garfish and other options but no more hits. 

The other guys left so i went back to garfish and said to myself just 10 minutes more. I think the third cast i hooked up and landed a 66cm kingy which came in pretty quickly. I only had 2 garfish left so thought i would keep going and a few casts later had a good hit and this thing went south in a hurry I knew it was a kingy add it was playing dirty and had that pump pump action heading down. The 10 minutes was now 40.

At one stage he went under a rock and i felt the line against the rocks he did come out though and i was able to bring it to the surface and to lift it out.

I was right it was a kingy but only went 68cm.

Anyway that was enough for the day and i was a happy camper with two Kingies on my 2nd outting for the season. I did not get any photos of the dinner but we had a great feed of sashimi for the wife and i and the kids had kingy bits pan-fried in pepper olive oil and fresh lemon. One down one to go. Guess what is on the menu tonight. Will get some photos for sure.


Edited by Rock&Beach
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42 minutes ago, Scratchie said:

Nice work mate! Persistence pays off! Enjoy! 

Cheers scratchie!!! 

Thanks Scratchie i am now more motivated to go again soon. Just need the swell to drop again. Bit hairy to go off the rocks last couple of months. Cheers R&B

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So these are the photos of tonight's meal. 

Sashimi with bak choy salad  and fish sauce dressing. Mustard crumbed kingfish with Greek salad. Kingfish with pepper ginger sauce with olive oil and lemon. 

All completely demolished wroth only crumbs left. 






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