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Brissy waters weekend report

Guest Guest123456789

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Guest Guest123456789

Hi raiders,

went out twice over the weekend. 

First trip was Friday night. After dinner i snuck out down to the ramp about 7:30pm.

Motored out to the spot and dropped down two hand lines for crabs. Also dropped a bait out the back for bream.

After a few change ups I finally (for the first time) got a crab boat side. He let go before I netted him. Had another 3 boat side (or maybe the same one) but couldn’t get him into the net.

the bream rod got no action.

i decided to move to a shallower spot out of the current and focus solely on crab. It paid off and I was stoked to net two legal males!

The second trip was boys only, with my four year old and I putting the boat in after lunch on Sunday while the girls stayed home. The wife gave me a 4:50 pm deadline.

the boy and I had a great time, went for a swim, pumped a few yabbies,caught a few bream (returned), and two stud blue swimmers. Even better, she who must be obeyed was happy when I got the boat off the hook at 4:49pm.

Here are two I caught on Friday. Sorry no other photos



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