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VHF Radio issue

New Signing

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G'day folks,

In my new boat for some reason when i have the VHF on scan it only scans as far as channel 28 before it locks on there and shows 28 as busy. It doesn't move beyond that point until you start the scan again at which point it goes through the channels until it hits 28 again.

I have no issue calling other boats or rescue base etc so the radio appears to operate perfectly other than that.

I have tried this at both Bermagui and at crookhaven heads for the same result.

I'd appreciate any ideas you may have

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I have a GME. I’m not sure about channel 28 specifically but when I scan, it will stop at the first channel it picks up traffic on (even if I can’t hear it) and won’t start scanning again until it’s clear, or I hit SCAN again. I usually just set my radio to Tri-Channel monitoring and usually monitor 16 (my Channel A),  71 (Channel B ) and 80 (game fishing chatter). In whale watching season I might monitor 74 instead to listen to the whale boats.

Edited by Berleyguts
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17 hours ago, Berleyguts said:

I have a GME. I’m not sure about channel 28 specifically but when I scan, it will stop at the first channel it picks up traffic on (even if I can’t hear it) and won’t start scanning again until it’s clear, or I hit SCAN again. I usually just set my radio to Tri-Channel monitoring and usually monitor 16 (my Channel A),  71 (Channel B ) and 80 (game fishing charter). In whale watching season I might monitor 74 instead to listen to the whale boats.

Naturally thats how it should work but in my case 28 is the channel it is constantly locking on and constantly showing as busy

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29 minutes ago, New Signing said:

New secondhand.

I spoke to GME today who were surprisingly helpful and asked me to box it up and send it back to them to be recalibrated.

Must be a known issue

Well, that’s good! Here was me thinking you had someone in your area clogging up channel 28 enough to stop the scan but not loud enough for you to hear them!

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