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Double donuts at Botany

kingie chaser

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Well it hasn't happened before that I can recall where I have gone out on 2 consecutive trips & not having brought a fish home.

Started out today before sunrise getting some scad hoping to pick up any sized king but no joy, tried Molly, the cans, 3rd runway & produced zilch.

Then tried my usual flathead marks & again donuts.

Maybe the guys who ventured outside had better luck?

Wind was a bit higher than the forecast from the onset so when not anchored I deployed the drift chute.

Water temp 21*

Looks like the bay had shut down or maybe getting over fished or maybe its just me??

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1 hour ago, GoingFishing said:

Botany Bay has its days. It's either on or off.

For this reason, I only ever fish offshore where finding the fish can be much easier.

Better luck next time!

One day Id like to have that option, not really feasible with a 13ft tinny though.

1 hour ago, masterfisho7 said:

It has happen to all of us your next fishing could be the one 

That's why I guess we keep coming back for more...………………..the thrill of the anticipation & just enjoying getting off work & out of the house :thumbup:

1 hour ago, kingfishbig said:

I got 4 flathead an Anzac Day. 3 were at the last spot I tried. On Good Friday I came back with nothing (just one undersized flathead and a kingfish returned).

PS I have never not caught anything offshore from Sydney.


Well done, most days Im lucky enough to bring home 3 or 4 nice 45-55cm flatties which keeps me coming back.

You cant win them all I guess.

What did you get the King on?


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2 hours ago, kingie chaser said:

One day Id like to have that option, not really feasible with a 13ft tinny though.

That's why I guess we keep coming back for more...………………..the thrill of the anticipation & just enjoying getting off work & out of the house :thumbup:

Well done, most days Im lucky enough to bring home 3 or 4 nice 45-55cm flatties which keeps me coming back.

You cant win them all I guess.

What did you get the King on?



Z-Man 3'' shrimp. I got the flatties on that one too - the biggest being 62 cm.


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