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Sydney Harbour Thursday - chasing kings


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Last 2 outings in past week produced small (legal) snapper, trevally, pike, slimy mackerel, but no kings. Had better luck today with “The Rev” and our mate Terry.We had some fresh squid and dropped down along the heads and lucky to hookupon a small rat Kingie (60cm). Although not exciting, it was Terry’s first kingfish, so goal for the day achieved.

squid have been pretty hard lately in the harbour with small numbers and small sizes, a few larger calamari off shore, but no particular location, just happen across them when live Yakkas come up with their backs chewed out. At least there haven’t been plagues of leatherjacket.

Off Long reef wide (50m), There was a cow and calf Humpback breaching and tail slapping, putting on quite a show for well over 20 minutes and several pods of dolphins so although not “fistful” day, the weather was perfect and God was good with magnificent displays from nature. A bloke wouldn’t be dead for quids Livi g the dream.


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