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Pickles last won the day on June 27

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    Richmond NSW

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  1. A great report @Isaac Ct, nice healthy little Jewie and a feed to boot
  2. Pickles

    Hawkesbury flood

    The last big dump a few weeks ago flushed this away. We locals were waiting for council to get machines on to it, but never happened. There is still an accumulation on the Southern bank - some great Bass haunts in the future (it’s surprising how well the areas around the bridge fishes for Bass)
  3. Pickles

    Had a chuckle

    So true @Fab1. As Pete says - those on the rocks cast as far as they can and those of us with boats get as (safely) close to the rocks as we can - usually with similar results.
  4. Brilliant work Neil, love not only the form, but the function of your work. Julie and I use your bowls, plates (garlic pot) daily. Keep well my friend.
  5. Sorry to hear you’ve got a crook shoulder @SpeedyGiraffe49 - wishing you a speedy recovery - it’s really crook when you can’t cast or wind effectively
  6. Brilliant vid Zoran, loved cam angle - the music too, but some of your playing would have been great. Devocean really rides well. I’ve tried Longie a few times over the past 3/4 months and only a few rats and lots of Trevally. I think you’re correct about “bring on summer”.
  7. Great pic @faker, that’s a really good squid - a few great Kingie baits there.
  8. A very nice snapper @tobycb, well worth the effort mate. I’m not much of a SP fisherman and admire those that do well - great report.
  9. What a top report and pics @whiskey299 (I’ll send you a pm if you’re interested in getting out). Brilliant report mate.
  10. Hey Neil, great to hear /read/ see pics of your fishing - you’re doing more than me at present (this litter of pups is taking up lots of time, but good fun but I’ll be glad when they go in a week or so). A dead lift of 5m is a looong way - even when the fish cooperates and isn’t too active, but good you landed it, it looks like a really healthy fish. bowling so many times a week, you must just about be club champion this year🤩. Looking forward to catching up for a fish with you mate, but I certainly hope the fishing improves down here as the weather has been shocking to (not) get off shore and there has been jelly blubbers in plague proportions since the floods - can’t remember it this bad and the trawler guys are tearing their hair out. I would love to see some pics of your pottery before it all goes - maybe in “The Bar” forum ? God bless - Bob
  11. Well done @spraka, a great first report - keep them coming, it adds to our collective knowledge.
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