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Rock fishing


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People says that fish from Sydney Harbour cannot be eaten bc the water is polluted. I want to go rock fishing during holiday but don’t know where are the polluted areas. Can I eat the fish I caught??? And also is fish caught from like Coogee beach or Cronulla good to eat? 

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The fish are good to eat out of the harbour , it’s fish up the parramatta river that you should be avoiding. There were consumption warnings which may have been species specific  years ago. I recommend you do a google search or contact fisheries dept for clarification.

Oceanside fish are good to go 👍

Good luck & stay safe

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Places to avoid eating apparently...

1. West of the Harbour Bridge

2. Cooks River

3. Upper reaches of the Georges River

I don't know personally, fish migrate a fair bit... I still avoid eating fish from the above places but sometimes i wonder lol

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Welcome @Louis_Zhou 

please make sure you do a little research around the forum. Use the search engine to read about the areas you have chosen to fish.

Ensure you have read through the Fisheries rules and regs


This is not a fishing report and I have moved it to Fishing Chat

Have fun fishing :))

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Welcome Louis!

I moved to Sydney about 15 years ago and had no idea where to go either. 

What helped me was this book. If you can find a copy buy it. (Hope that this is ok to add this)

There is also plenty of info on this website to help you.

Also make sure you do your homework on the spots you fish, watch the swell and tide combination.  No fish is worth the risk of losing your life. 


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