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Bate Bay


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A mate called me and wanted a fish in Bate Bay last night (Wednesday) in his boat, so that is a good enough reason to go fishing again.

Headed out late in the arvo before sunset. I hooked up a bit of pillie, dropped it down with a small sinker, and the line increased speed off the reel, so I closed the bail arm and was onto a rat kingie first drop, only about 50cm. A few small reddies on the bottom, then quiet until just before sundown.

Some large slimies turned up, and a bait sitting just off the bottom was grabbed. The rod bent in half, I needed effort to get the rod out of the holder, then the drag was buzzing for a while. I managed to turn it's head then felt the faint tail beat of a kingie up the line. It was on a for a while, gaining line back to the boat, then more screaming runs. Definitely much bigger than the 50cm model, then a big screaming run and gone. The line was cut at an angle, and the drag was not tight on the 20 pound mono. I managed to keep the fish around mid water away from the bottom, but the line parted from the fish.

My mate pulled out a bonnie, which we cut up for bait, and the little reddies started biting like crazy near the bottom. I said a few weeks ago that the little reddies had mostly disappeared from the Hacking after the big rain event, well, I found them, washed out into Bate Bay.

About half dark, the tailor turned up. Between 40 and 45cm, bigger than what was out there earlier in the year. We kept what we wanted, threw back a few and were bitten off a couple of times. Also released a couple of trevally, and my mate had a good night on the banjos, shovel nose and port jackson sharks. He pulled up the only legal pannie.

Headed home on full dark, as we had enough fish.



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43 minutes ago, zmk1962 said:

Nice catch and write up - fresh tailor sizzled in a pan come up alright too !

cheers Zoran 

Yes they do. Called some friends, and they were around in no time at all for a few fillets.

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