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Winter jewie bait - Need help


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Hey raiders, 

Yet another thread asking for help, in your opinion what do you guys think is the best winter jew bait? Me and my mate are keen on getting our hands on some yakkas or talior as they are our most accessible and easier option to go and try get some bait for jew. Are there any particular spots we should try like say hopefully somewhere in the Georges as that is our local or cronulla beach, I know that the bigger talior have now moved in so I am going to try and take advantage of that but my other worry is that because of winter that the yakkas will be a lot more lethargic and a lot more mellow and not as aggressive when feeding etc. Thanks for the help looking forward to some replies.

Cheers everyone, JamoDamo

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It would be the same baits regardless most likely but I guess that that would vary according to the availability of the bait to the jewies because their diet most likely wouldn't change right?


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Not sure if your asking us or telling us?

Anyway, have you read this?

From what I gather essentially your asking in your OP if what they eat & that they take will change with the seasons?

They always say match the hatch but Imo would come down to thier mood or abundance of species & availability for that time if the year.

We know they can be taken on a wide range of natural & artificial baits & like many fish have thier moods when one is preferred over the other.

People spend a lot of time & energy on collecting live bait to find it's just as easy to catch them at times on SP's.

BUT, it's worth covering all your bases & having the options on hand as you never know 'the mood' until your on the spot!


It is an interesting question to ask, what effects thier mood when it comes to fishes eating habits whether season or other factors like tide, moon phase or changes in barometric pressure?

Edited by kingie chaser
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I've done a lot of jewfishing from south coast beaches over the years, so if you're heading to Cronulla my choice of baits would be, in order of preference.

1: A fresh squid head

2: Tailor slab

3: Salmon slab

4: Tailor or salmon head if crabs or pickers are a problem.

Unless slide baiting, live baits are a pain off the beach, especially at night, unless there is a very small swell and jews don't like flat conditions anyway.

You hear a lot say a bunch of beach worms is good. Personally I think that is far more effective on the north coast rather than the south.

Fishing rivers/estuaries, I've always done far better with live tailor than yellowtail. Just keep in mind your tailor has to be at least 30cm these days, which is no problem for a decent fish to get down. If you have a good supply, change your baits regularly to keep them strong and lively. IMO this makes a huge difference.

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