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Jani´s fishing day 4


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Day 4.

Like i wrote before: day 1,  Day 2 and 3 what you can read from here: https://www.fishraider.com.au/topic/91529-pb-northern-pike/

And here: https://www.fishraider.com.au/topic/91532-jani%C2%B4s-fishing-days-2-and-3/




Day 4 Saija and Veikka went to town all day, and me and Vili stay on cabin. Morning we did play badminton, swimming, ext.. chill out. Midday we went fishing on pond near cabin. Casting after casting, only couple of small bite but not any fishs. Still difficult fishing with softplastic for Vili, becouse so shallow water. We was ready leave back on cabin but ”one more cast” and fish on my line. Feel good size pike and it was. Vili was really  cool with net, not any panic or rush. Quite short fight and Vili caught pike on net. Pike 80cm and 3500g. So more fish for frying pan.

Saija and Veikka came back on cabin, and it was so cam water and we made choice go to lake. Trolling by softplastic but nothing happen. Trollin maby 1 hour and stop boat. Start to wind in lines and my line fish on, my first zander on this year, 42cm (minimum 40cm). Vili caught it net. We did drive fast to softplastic spot, sand bank where is water 80cm and near  25m deep.  I get immidiadely bite, but not fish.  Soon Vili had fish on, quite big becouse reel brake was tight but still line going. Vili made everything wright, rod up, no loose line ext, but fish escape. Ofcourse Vili was disappointed, becouse perhaps his biggest fish ever. I was sad allso, becouse he have try cach zander and pike so much. Soon we did leave back to cabin for sauna. After sauna we did drive with Vili back to fishing spot, but ”not anybody on home”  anymore, so no more fishes on that day.






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