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Boat Capacity


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G'day, I was just wondering if anybody knows... But if a boat says Max passanger capacity is 7, but Max load is 950kg, is it the 7 or the 950 that applies? If the boat comfortably fits more than the 7 and total weight of people and gear is far less than the 950kg, would you be able to put more than 7 or is it the 7 that applies? 

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The way I see it it depends on the age of the passangers, if they are all over 12yrs old then 7 would be the max number regardless of the weight

Safety label

A safety label (which replaces the previous capacity plate) must be displayed clearly on all powered vessels, except Personal Watercraft (PWC). The label must be placed where it can easily be seen by the driver and every person on board the vessel.

The label indicates the maximum number of people allowed on a particular vessel in addition to important safety information. The capacity is determined by the information on the Australian Builders Plate (ABP), the manufacturer, or if not specified, by using the table on the reverse of the safety label.

The maximum number of occupants for good conditions is shown on the label. A reduction in the maximum number should be made in bad weather conditions or when in open waters. If not, the operator may be guilty of negligent navigation.

In determining whether your vessel complies with the capacity limits, the following applies:

  • Children up to 12 months old are not counted (although you still require safety equipment for them)
  • Each child between the ages of one and 12 years equals one half of an adult
  • Capacity of a person is assessed at 75kg per person with an additional allowance of 15kg per person for personal gear.




No where does it say you can replace more people for gear other than above.


If in doubt I'd contact the RMS in writing.

Edited by kingie chaser
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My understanding is the same as KC stated. 

21 minutes ago, Cladone said:

 if a boat says Max passanger capacity is 7, but Max load is 950kg, is it the 7 or the 950 that applies?

Which ever limit you hit first -  in good conditions - otherwise it’s less. 

24 minutes ago, Cladone said:

If the boat comfortably fits more than the 7 and total weight of people and gear is far less than the 950kg, would you be able to put more than 7 or is it the 7 that applies? 

You can only substitute 2 kids (less than 12yo) for one adult....people and load are not interchangeable. 

The manufacturers determine these limits based on the dimensions and the crafts handling dynamics. People are a mobile load. Eg If too many move to one side the craft may capsize. Load is generally static hence the numbers don’t often directly tally as you are pointing out. 
From memory the RMS site has a simple formula based on length x beam In case your craft was manufactured before It was mandatory for the capacity to be stamped on the build plate or if you were building it yourself. There was also a procedure to get a determination if you thought it should be different to the formula. 

But in your case it sounds like the manufacturer build plate is fitted. It would be almost impossible to get a different capacity rating unless you modified the boat and went through the certification path. 

cheers Zoran 

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Thanks for that very clear response. Yeah I am aware of the formula referred to in the absence of a spec by manufacturer and assumed what you said to be the case. 

Just I was speaking to a particular boat distributor for a well known brand who said to me "you'd be fine with an extra person so long as total load is not exceeded" so was testing that because I didn't think it was accurate


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23 minutes ago, Cladone said:

Just I was speaking to a particular boat distributor for a well known brand who said to me "you'd be fine with an extra person so long as total load is not exceeded" so was testing that because I didn't think it was accurate

People can say anything but its the guy with the badge that will determine the outcome!

Just tell maratime or the police that the guy at the boat distributor said you'd be fine :whistling:


Or did me mean you'd be "fined" 😁

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My understanding is those passenger numbers on the plate are for calm waters and the max number is the limit unless the passengers are under 12. The number of passengers has more to do with boats buoyancy than its size. for example my old 5.2m zodiac was able to carry 12 adult passengers, where many 6m vessels can only carry 6 adults even they they might have far more room. My load carrying capacity was around 1.5 tons.

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Yes. Just make sure you have appropriate life jackets to suit the kids. From memory there’s some special conditions about children wearing jackets underway but there was also something about boat size in there - sorry can’t remember details- and it’s been a longtime since it applied to me 😬
Cheers Zoran 

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