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Night fishing - land based with kids- tips please


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Going fishing at night with kids, land based in middle harbour, Sydney.

To make it an enjoyable experience For kids and adults, what tips can you give us?

I’d love to take my 12 ft rod but I’ll probably take small spinning rod and be rerigging most of the time.

1. im taking 6 pre made rigs

2. I’ve pre cut salted bait, prawns, squid, pilchards 

3. Not sure about using a float with lots of lines out in the water so I’m going with patanoater with double dropper, running sinker to a swivel and 6 lb leader

4. using size 1 long shank hooks, small circle hooks and maybe a size 4 circle hook with pilchards

5. hope to catch yakkas, bream, flathead, 

6. is it worth it to try for squid if there’s no constant lights around?

7. should I set up a lantern instead of them using head torches?










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  Done the night fishing fair bit with the kids its a big deal to them a real adventure. The pre made rigs and cut baits great idea. Float fishing unless you add a glow stick sort of defeats the object of a float being a visual aid but if it saves constant snagging it is an option. As Noelm said bream will be the big go we have most success with them, Tailor as well. Not much of a squid fisherman so not my area. The kids will love head torches but in my opinion a lantern is a must as well to light the general area for safety also pick a safe level area with minimum trip hazards make sure no hooks or knives lying around, these are pretty much a given for fishing with kids but all the more important at night. Make sure they are well fed and have somewhere to sit as kids wind down and get tired at night. One big thing is insect repellant nothing worse than having kids getting smashed with mozie bites. Good luck hope you all catch and have fun.

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Jordy has the main items covered, I bought all the kids headlight torches, Bunnings had them on special 250 lumen for $5 and I also have a Makita work light around the fishing tackle / Bait and food.

The glow sticks is a great idea as it allows you to see where hooks and tackle are and when they are flying through the air.

If you have more than two kids under 12 then forget about fishing yourself, between baiting, untangling and getting food you wont have time, unless you put a big hook on and a whole pilchard and get it out first and leave it in the rod holder.

Have fun, I have 3 kids and my fishing is limited to what they do, so much so I don't bother much myself when they are around, its less frustrating if I just plan kids fishing rather than planning a fishing trip for myself with kids, if that make sense.

p.s its also more enjoyable and they grow up way to fast.

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Hey mate. Its always exciting taking the kids fishing.

The boys have provided some really good info. Just to add, sydney harbour night fishing can be very productive. The species i have caught at night include bream, tailor, jewfish, whiting and trevally. I suggest you throw out an assortment of rigs to maximise your chances. Id have a few rods on a running ball sinker and id also have a rod or two out on a float which will be good for tailor and trevally.

Burley in th harbour can make all the difference bringing the fish to your location as well as getting them into the mood to bite. Buy yourself some catfood cans, punch a few holes in them. Put them in an onion bag and throw it out 2 or 3m ahead of where your fishing. When your done pull them in and dispose in the rubbish.

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would advise against using a paternoster with 6lb line, as well as using it with a sliding sinker

throw the sinker on the end of the paternoster or single hook if you want to run sliding sinker


have had troubles in the past trying to tie paternoster on anything under 10lb

Edited by Berrero
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10 hours ago, Jaymanner said:

Very quiet night. Someone caught a fish not bigger than my hand.

most of us got 0. 😳

at least the kids cachet a few jellyfish and a little snake type water creature.

that's a shame. sometimes the best part about fishing isn't catching the fish.

tight lines

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Maybe you could try some daylight fishing with them now that Summer is coming up and it's light till late in the evening. Kids love to catch fish of any size so take some small hooks, light line and small baits. Make up some berley of bread and fish pieces and throw a bit in the water regularly. This should bring some fish around to where you're fishing. Good luck, bn

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3 hours ago, motiondave said:

@Jaymanner, are you restricted to middle harbour only? I know of two good kids spots , one on Lane cove river, the other hen and Chicken bay. 

I'd forget night fishing with kids, I found it takes a lot out of kids and by the time you get home, shower them, feed them, settle them for bed....

Stuff that.

Daytime it is😁

+1 for hen and chicken bay, has been unfishable for about 6 months now for myself. some green weed algae stuff moved in and overrun the area. used to be my favourite wading spot for flatties. havent caught anything there since. would see mounds of life swimming around my feet while wading. nothing since the algae.

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Next time with a smaller group I might try Luna Park or the wharves.

thanks for the suggestions.  I’d prefer to stay east if the bridge If possible. I’m on the north side.

the kids seemed interested in catching squid too. I’ve never caught one but I’ve swum with a few when snorkeling.

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3 hours ago, Jaymanner said:

Next time with a smaller group I might try Luna Park or the wharves.

thanks for the suggestions.  I’d prefer to stay east if the bridge If possible. I’m on the north side.

the kids seemed interested in catching squid too. I’ve never caught one but I’ve swum with a few when snorkeling.

Probably best to focus on 1 thing at a time. See if they're still interested in squid after they start catching small fish regularly. bn

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