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Port Stephens King Fish


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G’day Raiders. 

When this lockdown is over and we can go for a fish, I am looking at targeting some kings around the islands out front of Port Stephens. 

am I wasting my time and should I just head out to Broughton? 

I have gear that will get me out of trouble. But techniques is where I struggle haha. My plan is just to catch some live bait and slow troll them around the islands and reefs, particularly little island. Is there any specific way I should be trolling them? I.e weighted down. Rig ideas? I was thinking of straight from leader to the hook with no weight but am worried the fish will swim too high. 

I have had a little read on here and found some good info, any and all advice is appreciated. 




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Hey rummers, 

Kingfish are a funny species to target up here. There is no real place that is a consistent spot they haunt. Certainly the islands out the front will hold them at times. Fingal will hold them too and Broughton island would be the top of the list as frequented more than most. 
Usually in November we get a run of them around the breakwall smashing small white bait but a slow trolled livie will work too.
Slow trolling livies, I generally use two rods. Both with 9/0 live bait hooks. I will troll at 2knots with one on the surface and one with a running sinker to get it down about 3m. 

Hope that helps. 

cheers scratchie!!! 

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im not a local to PS -but have caught a pretty fair number of them at Broughton both prior to and after the MArine Park came in. Trolling livies is great BUT if you really want to catch kings get a downrigger-catch rate will go through the roof-even better get 2.

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