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Sat arvo beach fish


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So i had some free time sat evening for a fish. Thought i would try for salmon or tailor off the beach, so off i went with some pillies. Cheched out first beach and the gutters were too wave affected with the onshore wind. Other side of the headland and a lot calmer and in the lee of the onshore so i quickly susd out a likely gutter and headed towards it. Unpacked my stuff on the sand and started rigging up when i discovered my sinkers hadnt made the trip. Unweighted pillies it was then. Casting them was ok but fishing them a bit tricky. Had to keep tension on the line to feel the bites and at the same time the surf would push the bait towards the shore. Was a bit slow to start but once i worked it out i started getting a few bites. Managed to get one salmon bout 60cm with a chunk out of its side, so i sent him back to live another life. Fished till an hour after dark but only managed the one fish. Made me realise how important sinkers are on the beach


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