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Fingal bay 15/12/21


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Hey so yesterday afternoon I went to fingal targeting some whiting. I got there about 6pm on the rising tide, high tide was a little later. It was very sunny and the water was very clear with a large amount of decent waves. The beach was full of people fishing, it was literal Insanity, took me ages just to find a spot that had enough space. Anyway found a spot between 2 guys, one was in my normal gutter unfortunately. Anyways casted out some beach worms and the stupid leader snapped on the first rod. Then casted the next which was looking alright and then I casted the 3rd which went out the the right way to far. Anyways just left them out for a while and got nothing, while the 2 guys next to me were hauling out fish after fish. Anyways recasted out my rods and the 2nd leader snapped. Then the 3rd kind of worked but then the reel seized up. That's kind of when i lost my temper and just walked off and ended up stepping on this spiky and I ended up having to pull all these spikes put or my foot.

Anyways I got nothing the whole time while everyone else was getting heapes. Seemed like the bait to be using this time was pippies, the few on beach worms like me weren't getting anything really.

Got some good photos though 

Edited by slothparade
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14 minutes ago, Ganguddy Goodoo said:

Hi Slothparade

Any reason your leaders were snapping?

Sucks to have a bad session. I find when that happens a good one is just around the corner.

Absolutely no idea, I'm guessing they were just crap. But I was only just using them the day before and they were alright so no idea. 

Just got my ps today so I guess that counts 😂

Edited by slothparade
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6 hours ago, Circle hooked said:

Sometimes just using 1 rod is better that way you can feel any bites and are able to strike for a hookup rather than a few rods waiting for a fish to hook itself. If fishing for whiting especially I only use 1 rod and hold it at all times

Probably not a bad idea. I usually use 2 but I'll give 1 a try

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