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Anyone use running sinker clips?

Remote River Man

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I was recently given a bit of spare old fishing gear by my father-in-law, most of it from the previous century. One of the items was a packet of 'running sinker clips', which consist of a small plastic cylindrical sleeve with a metal clip sticking out from it at a 90 degree angle.

Never used one before, but assume it's used on a typical running rig setup, with the sleeve/clip allowing you to rapidly change lead sinker sizes as the tides/conditions dictate. In other words, it's used between the swivel (about a metre up the line) and the hook. Have I got that right, and does anyone use these regularly? Previously, I've just chucked on a running ball sinker and hoped for the best....   

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Haven't got the one you have. 

But I use two different types for beach fishing to change star sinkers if the is a problem.

One you can buy in Australia. Comes in three sizes.

The other one is from overseas.


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I do the same as @Rebelwith the clips and star sinkers from the beach and occasionally the have clogged up with sand and failed to slide along the main line.

They're okay for salmon and tailor down my way, but when chasing jew I ditch the sleeve and use a swivel with a clip attached. Another swivel one size bigger acts as the stopper and will never clog.

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I know the clips your talking about. i have used them in the past for jewies but with the heavier 170 gram sinkers the clip breaks off the plastic mould occasionally so i do what others have mentioned and that's use a swivel and a clip. the usually come together in packets  

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I have used them as well as the swivel clip combo when fishing for mulloway from my boat at night.  Both methods work and allows the fish to run without feeling much weight from the sinker.  Ron 

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