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Brisbane Waters


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Hey Raiders

Fished Brisbane Waters a few times over the years and have another fishing comp for my clubs monthly comps coming up in early March

Over the years have tried paddys and the RIP and a drift along St Huberts but never seem to have any luck with good fish either undersized or eels


Any tips to break to Brisbane Water drought?



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I live beside Brisbane Water and feel reasonably qualified to answer.

I think the fishing on the southern end of the Central Coast is the poorest in NSW. The only tips I can offer are:

1. Fish at night. Late at night.

2. If you want takeable fish in quantity, go for blackfish. They are always abundant.

3. Have low expectations. One or two legal-sized fish is a good result.

Occasionally I have had very good catches, but you have to understand they are the exception and rarely repeatable.

BW functions as a nursery so the overwhelming majority of fish are undersize. In fact there are so many undersize fish it makes fishing difficult.

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