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First Attempt for Topwater Whiting

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Based on yet another helpful suggestion by DerekD, I headed off to one of the sandflats in Middle Harbour yesterday afternoon for to try for whiting on a Sugapen.  The tide was out further than I had hoped by the time I hit the flats, but there was still plenty of water to work.

Thanks to Polarised sunnies I could definitely see that there were whiting around, some of which looked a reasonable size. Although it turned out to be a donut afternoon I was not at  all discouraged because this was about learning and also practising some of the things that DerekD had shown me.  Starting point was effective casting and it is certainly becoming more a natural process (although not fully automatic yet) and I was able to put the lure where I wanted it almost all the time. With the eind over the shoulder I was also able to get plenty of distance to be able to cover more of the flats.

I had a number of follows and a few swirls around the Sugapen, but unfortunately no hits. So it was definitely encouraging. I just have to keep try the retrieve speed and action till I crack the code that works for them.

In the interim, an afternoon in the sun on the water is a great thing for the mood!!!

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It’s always great to get out on foot and do some prospecting. Thanks for sharing your report @Robbbo.  I haven’t done a lot of surface hardbodies lure fishing but so many options around our great harbour and the sand flats in the bays offer some great opportunities. Looking forward to hearing more on your progress.

Edited by Pickles
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On 12/16/2023 at 10:13 AM, Little_Flatty said:

Great stuff @Robbo from Sydney. Donut aside, it’s perfect weather for wading flats. Heck, who cares about fish when you’re enjoying the water on a nice summer’s day!

Good you got out there. Better chance of catching fish with a line in the water than not!

So true - wading around on nice sand is just soo nice

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On 12/17/2023 at 5:01 AM, Pickles said:

It’s always great to get out on foot and do some prospecting. Thanks for sharing your report @Robbbo.  I haven’t done a lot of surface hardbodies lure fishing but so many options around our great harbour and the sand flats in the bays offer some great opportunities. Looking forward to hearing more on your progress.

Thanks Pickles. I aim to keep on learning every time I go out - whether in my boat or walking around the shoreline and flats slinging lures 

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