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Robbo from Sydney

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Robbo from Sydney last won the day on May 18

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  • Location
    Lower North Shore Sydney

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WHITING (6/19)



  1. A good haul there Yowie. Should keep you well fed for a little bit.
  2. Saw this and couldn't resist sharing it with other Raiders
  3. Well done - persistence pays off and you have it in spades
  4. When I came back into the boat ramp at Tunks there was a boat of guys who had been "about 100km" offshore and caught 2 SBTs - 58 and 45kg. I saw the head and from of one of them before they buried it at sea off the end of the pontoon. So they definitely are out there. My couple of leatherjackets for the morning felt puny in comparison!
  5. I empathise with you over shoulder and knee injuries. Make sure you have a good physio and do what they tell you for rehab as it makes all the difference. Hopefully you will be back out casting with full force before long
  6. So pleased to hear the latest surgery was a success. Our eyesight is such a precious thing
  7. Wazza I still have one of these from the mid 70's. A great reel and caught plenty of luderick with it off the rocks
  8. A good feed there Bob. I grew up eating luderick and if handled welol they are a good (and underrated) eating fish. They also put up a good fight on light gear
  9. Thanks Pickles. I have an old food processor and munch up whatever left over bait, fish frames and bread roll it up to a size that fitrs my bait bucket and freeze it for the next time - so sounds like a similar approach to you
  10. They truely are a beautiful fish. Magic to see them still around
  11. I think I am seeing a pattern in your answer, oh burley master. But what do you use for your magic burley?
  12. I have a number of different Stradic 2500's and they are all great
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