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The Boy Loses A Monster Jew


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G`day Fellas,

My Boy and his FB`s decided to Give Saltwater Beach a Try last night .

At 11 Pm , Mick locked onto a Massive Jew , and after a 2 hour battle the weed snagging the huge fish caused the 50Lb mono trace to pack it in.

A unexperienced bystander who ran down to the edge of the dropoff and flashed his torch on the Monster just 10 feet from the shore , described it as a large white mermaid .

To say the young fella was shattered , would be the understatement of the year .

He knew it was huge Jew the minute it took off , and he also knew he had collected a large weed clump , after the fish changed tack and the weight ratio changed .

Desperately trying to Nurse the fish to shore , he was lax to put too much pressure on it , and just tried to tire the fish out , and pray he could set the Gaff in the Shallows , but it was not to be unfortunately .


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G`day Fellas,

My Boy and his FB`s decided to Give Saltwater Beach a Try last night .

At 11 Pm , Mick locked onto a Massive Jew , and after a 2 hour battle the weed snagging the huge fish caused the 50Lb mono trace to pack it in.

A unexperienced bystander who ran down to the edge of the dropoff and flashed his torch on the Monster just 10 feet from the shore , described it as a large white mermaid .

To say the young fella was shattered , would be the understatement of the year .

He knew it was huge Jew the minute it took off , and he also knew he had collected a large weed clump , after the fish changed tack and the weight ratio changed .

Desperately trying to Nurse the fish to shore , he was lax to put too much pressure on it , and just tried to tire the fish out , and pray he could set the Gaff in the Shallows , but it was not to be unfortunately .


What a shame Mick ,but at least he had the rush of having the big girl on :1yikes:


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G`day Fellas ,

Biggest fish I have seen was 108 LB Taken at Spencer 1957 .

Largest I`ve heard of , was 143 lb , but I think someone said on another site some years ago , that they grow to 200 LB .


Edited by OWZAT
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Geez Mick, that's a painful experience and one that may take your son a few days to recover from.

Most people have a story of the one that got away but when it's a huge jew it can be traumatic :1prop:

I speak from experience here as i once lost my dream "30kg plus Mullo" after a 25 minute battle on 12kg line at SWR wall. The fish was on the surface, completely spent and only 15 seconds away from getting gaffed, when the trace parted :ranting2:

That night i just wanted to be alone with a few Scotches and a packet of smokes.....lol


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Sounds like a plan Eel, i share your pain, ive lost my share of big ones...my luck is truly rotten on the big guys, i lost a good fish only last week as i reported. I think i know who your talking about (the guys who caught those two big fish, is your mate Simon?

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Luke, when my friends got the 43kg they fought it for over an hour and a half, and they are pretty good at catching jews mind you, 1hr before they got the 43kg, they got a 25kg also. I take it you have never caught anything over 25kg?

Well they need to learn how to tighten up their drag's then, don't they :074::074::074:

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Jewnut, too right, you know him too? Bloody top fisho. We should get together one day i think, small world.

Luke, you really have not caught a big jew, tighten your drag? lol. The harder you pull on a massive jew the harder it goes! Plus you would not rush it if its a big one, you really want it in the boat.

I know people you know have caught them, chasing them in a boat is easy, but try from a standing position, not chasing them, with the same mates we got spooled on 50lb last year at 4am, the fish ran across the whole river about 550m to the J spot from the G spot. If you know where these spots are you know the distance i'm talking about.

Jew's won't run 550m, that's baloney, jew are quite an easy target after the first couple of runs, and after 1 1/2-2 hours they would be stone dead......simple

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A jew wont run 550m, not gonna continue this with you, obviously you have never caught one. Ive seen multiple times a 30kg run approximately 300m, this one we estimated at 45kg+.

And all i can say is that a massive jew is basically rat poo when its done, its face changes colour on many occasions, it is a wierd sight, but youve never obviously witnessed it. Wait til you catch one, come back and tell me how far it ran.

nah, never caught one........ :1prop: good one....like you'd know. Goodbye

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You have not, why are you asking the question on Fishnet then if you have, and say the fish like i said, 30kg run 300m, and 45kg run 550m, not 60LB like you have asked. If you have caught them you would not need to ask, i dont need to ask anyone cause i know, from many an experince.

i am asking for opinions that's why, re-read the post mate, and the replies and you will see what a crock all this is

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No you have not written what i have stated here. 60lb jew is only 27kg, a 45kg is 100lb's, i said a 45kg ran 550m, and i never said it took two hours, but one and a half. You look at youself as i am being truthful about this, you are not.

Your questions are would a 60lb jew take 550m of line? Where have i stated that here?

And would it take two hours to land, where has anyone here said that, people are thinking you are just talking about a 60lb jew. Put the right questions up and be honest!

yes you are right, the specifics are not the same, however even using your technicalities it is still a heap of cr@p, how can a jew that size run more than 1/2 a kilometre......c'mon mate think about it

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I'm not trying to be a %%%%%, i dont know how or why but believe me, i dont lie, it ran that far. We all cry to this day about it, just like Mick's son here.

Fair enough, but 500m is hard to determine on the water, maybe it was less but seemed that far....who knows anyway catch you later mate

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No worries Luke, i'll just add that a fight between a 15kg Jew and a 30kg Jew, being twice the size, is four times the fight. Jewies under 15kg are pussy's, i agree they are not much, but wait til you get them over 30kg, over 40kg, its not the same ball park.

OK, but i find it the complete opposite, smaller jew are far more spirited than the BIG ones, which after their initial run(s) tend to sulk near the bottom

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Fish are individuals and so are anglers. Last october i hooked an estimated 300kg Black on 37kg stand up and got it to the boat in 5 minutes.......but then we've had 60kg fish that have taken half an hour :wacko:

Work that one out :wacko:

I think with alot of fisho's, especially jew fisho's, once they've hooked onto a dream fish, they may have a tendency to go a bit too soft on the drag and keep lowering their rod as to reduce the chance of a bust off. My old man is a master at this :1prop:

I've only have one experience where jews have taken loads of line. My record chasing mate and i were bombed by three 10kg plus jews in like 5 seconds.......utter chaos.......pulled hooks on one and were left with a double hookup on 2kg and 1kg tackle. Up went the anchor and we lost the fish on 2kg (pulled hook) after 15 or so minutes......spewing, as we had a real good chance at that one, but the fish on 1kg has us backing down all over the bay like lunatics and after 45 minutes the 1kg busted as my mate started losing patience. The GPS said we were 0.6nm from our anchored position but this 1kg tackle business means very soft drag.

Soft drag and strong current = big run.....lol



p.s. 2hr fight is a bit suss :1prop:

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I love this subject...fishos have gone kingy mad but the jewfisherman are a bit quiet...must be all the fish we have been getting stuck into.... :1prop:

I have to agree with Red on this one, all fish fight differently, I have had small jew 10-15kgs give me more stick than my biggest at 72 pounds which came in after 10 or so minutes on the beach a few years back....location has a lot to do with it as well, most of my fishing for jew is done off the beach and if i dont feel any headshakes and the fight goes for over 1/2 an hour I usually bust them off thinking its a ray...you do get the occasional foul hooked fish which wont shake its head and take longer to bring up but thats the risk you take, you either have a broken back fighting a possible heavy piece of carpet or lose a fish of a lifetime. I would also assume that the new lines we have these days contribute alot to a jew fight time....braid seems to bring them in a lot quicker and guys who target jew in the known locations on the hawkesbury are using anything from 50-80lb braid these days, i know i wouldnt fish for jew there with anything less than 24kg mono or braid....One thing i have learnt about jew is that even though they are predictable in certain aspects...like habitat, what they are eating etc....you always can expect the unexpected so a 500 metre run in a river with a strong current is definately possible, especially from a 45kg+ fish....and if its the person i am thinking of then they use game gear so its not a made up story.

Back to the original suject, Mick I can symphasize with your son mate...keep the reports and stories coming and unlucky !!

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G`day Fellas ,

Some of you lot , are Missing the Point here .

The post clealy states that the Two Hour Battle was the Result of the Fish and The Line being Snagged by a huge Clump of Weed , and not retrieving the fish back from New Zealand.

The "Battle" and "The Goal" if you like , was to guide the whole bloody Package to a point where the Fish ( Obviously having died long before the Trace broke) to finally wash up onto the beach on a wave "weed and All " .

Fellas after an hour , I would have just locked up the spool and line , rolled the rod onto my shoulder , and headed for the carpark till the line broke

The fact that the fish was actually sighted just 10 feet from the shore made the experience that much more painful I guess.

We can all picture that grand oldfella just rolling over and over on the bottom untill the Sharks found it , which was a waste , but that I suppose is Fishing :05: .


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G`day Fellas ,

Hey Inspin , you nailed it in one mate.

My Dad and I were fishing Spencer in his 19 foot Launch .

Big Clinker built timber boat with an inboard Chapman Motor ( 2HP I think ??) .

Well , this thing weighed a ton , and apart from being verry roomy , was incredibly hard to kellick.

We had two anchors to Hold the big girl on a spot , One a normal anchor , the other a huge Mud pick that most times did the job , but we had to let out almost 200 feet of rope to get her to grab.

Anyway , my dad fished with two large CORK hand casters both holding 250 yards of 25LB mono.

The line on the casters were never tied on , but had a ring tied to one end of the line and then wound the line on over the top of the ring.

He always said " one day I`ll show you why that ring is on there, and that day came in Mid January on a high tide .

A whopping great Jew grabbed his live tailor bait , and took off downstream with the Current .

It wasnt long before he was calling to me to up anchor , and I began frantically retrieving the main anchor , while he was trying to slow the fish down , but was quickly running out of line .

I finally had the main anchor on board , but that Bitch of a Mud Pick , had snagged something on the bottom , and was stuck fast .

Dad told me to get the back up Cork caster , and as quick as a wink he had attached the line from the 2nd caster to the ring , and with probably less than 10 yards to spare , the the fish just kept going .

Almost hypnotized by that line skidding through his hands , I had harly noticed that dad had removed his singlet and was using it as a brake on the line .

Dad then instructed me to grab the Fillet knife and get ready to cut the anchor line if he could not turn the fish , and with less than 20 yards left on the caster , I cut the anchor , and the old barge gathered speed and began cartwheeling downstream , with my dad clawing back line.

The bottom of the boat seemed to be covered in fishing line , as my dad deftly tried to lay it out on the floor in the desired figure 8 pattern.

Finally after I dont know how long , possibly 1 hour or more , we were directly over the fish , which had finally given up.

My Dad looked me squarely in the Eye and said "Grab the Gaff , and don`t miss" , which was huge vote of confidence , seeing as I has missed a 25 pounder on our last trip , knocking it squarely off the hook.

I grabbed the gaff , and the minute this monster broke the surface , I gaffed him clean as whiste , and dragged him into the boat up near the bow , well away from the huge pile of mono laying all over the bottom half of the boat.

Cheers and much back slapping proceeded for quite some time , but then the Old fella fed the line back over the side , yard by yard , and rewound it back onto the Cork Hand Casters to reduce line twist .

The fish was about 6 foot long give or take an inch , but we were unable to weigh it unfortunately , because wouldn`t you know it , the only scales capable of weiging that fish at that time had collapsed and were broken .

All through this chase , I was trying to steady the Launch with an Oar , but that Barge always had a mind of its own , and that day seemed somehow possessed , I just couldn`t get it side on .

One minute I was ducking under the line held high in the air by my Dad , next I was crabbing the Oar to try and straighten her up , it was quite a battle .

I learnt a lot about fishing that day let me tell ya.


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I love a fishing yarn from years gone by, and that one about you and your dad was one of the best I've read Mick.

Thanks for taking the time to type it up mate. :thumbup:



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