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The Solomon Islands part 1

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Amy and I had this trip planned for many months, our destination Papatura retreat in the Isabel province of the Solomon Islands,

Our aim for the trip, catch as many species as posdoble

the trip started in shambles our international flight was delayed, our domestic airport was closed which meant a 4 hour boatride, but due to a stuff around by the airline we ended up with another closed airport resulting in us being stuck in the capital Honiara for 2 nights.

Finally after thinking we would have to head home we were on a domestic flight to Kagao airstrip

It was definetly a scenic flight


Although the airstrip was rough, interestingly the airstrip was hand dug by a Yugoslavian man


And the landing was somewhat terrifying, we were met by our boat driver  and headed on our 4.5 hour boatride 

Papatura eas a welcome sight


Before we even hit dry land Kym our host was telling us the airline had agreed to change our flights home so if we agreed we could extend our stay so we didn't lose our 2 nights.... obviously a no brainer

After an evening drinking our duty free rum and eating a 5 star meal  we were keen to get fishing  plans were made.

6:30am couldn't come fast enough, I was burning keen to get fishing, 

We hit the water early with our guide Eric, we started with casting poppers it was a slow start no fish landed although I did hook a reasonable trevally and had a Spanish mackerel launch on my popper

A bit of discussion with Eric we switched to dropping softvibes, it didn't take long for the fish to start hitting the deck

Amy landed the first respectable fish of the  trip


A nice common trout

I had a more modest start with a few smaller specimens 


Coral cod


Coronation trout

But after a few spot moves I finally stuck a decent fish 


A nice paddletail shortly followed by a couple of nice commons



Amd a small redthroat


Amy of course not to be outdone boated a solid highfin trout


They ate beautiful fish

There's moments in fishing that are never forgotten, Amy busted off on the reef, me being generous offered to tie her a new leader so I hand her my rod and while I'm busy tying 


An absolute tank of a highfin apparently this was a standing joke amongst the guides at Papatura during our trip

We moved to some deeper water around 60m, for some solid passionfruit trout



And a nice Golden hind, a type of rockcod


We headed in at 11am to escape the heat and headed out again at 3pm the beauty of Papatura is theres great fishing minutes from the retreat.

The arvo session was a little slow casting surface lures, I did hook a solid bluefin trevally on seriously shallow reef only to have it fall off boatside, but not long after I hook a fish again in the shallows


RED BASS!!! Only small but an absolute bucket lister of mine, I managed 2 and Amy a massive longtom for the arvo session but otherwise it was a little slow, but plenty of fish landed on day 1

To be continued....


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The shaky start must have been annoying but probably soon forgotten once you got out fishing. Great array of healthy looking species for you both. Looking forward to round 2. Keep safe and tight lines.


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A great variety of different species, so far it is worth the trip over there.

Nice of the airline to add extra days to make up for the stuff up.

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