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    Lake Macquarie

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JEWFISH (10/19)




Community Answers

  1. What a loss, such a wealth of knowledge and archives being switched off. Fishraider has been part of my fishing life in Australia and always helped as my sport desires have evolved. I've made good friends and enjoyed many laughs. I know there is too much passion for the decision not to have been well considered by Donna and Stew. Enjoy the rest, and know you created the best social fishing forum out. Thanks to all the Admin who kept the boat tracking true. Steve
  2. No mate, radio pretty quiet today.
  3. Nice fish, well done guys.
  4. Found some blue water over the shelf today off Swansea. Not much of a temp break and 4 knots downhill. 1 hour down forever getting back. Lots of green the further south we went. No christening my new pair of tiagras today (pressie to myself after my first marlin) . But nice to be out on the water all the same. 8 boats on sched best was a 1.1.0
  5. Have a heart attack, get some weed off a mate and go fishing. That's what living is for, good on ya. Though it's no surprise you bagged out again. All the best with the recovery.
  6. 20 secs sounds maybe slightly too long try 10 then rest 20. When did it last have new plugs or a service ?
  7. Sounds like the correct technique. I'd turn it over a bit longer. Are you using all fresh juice and a fully charged battery
  8. NaClH2OK9

    PB Bonito

    Nice work. Personally I think they are beautiful eating straight on a hot plate. That's a 2nd place record, nice fish.
  9. Thanks all, your all right. Already treated myself to a bunch of new gear to chase a bigger one Need to collect the set now
  10. Hi, those who know me, will know that for the last couple of years my fishing habits have become a little obsessive. Once a happy bottom basher and fisho with a desire to catch a feed, I was introduced to game fishing. My life changed and the pursuit of a bigger fish consumed me. Hours and dollars passed until a couple of weeks ago I was the proud holder of a fat spear fish. Now this obsession doesn't end with a first fish and so a week later I'm back out crewing my regular lake Mac boat on the newcastle game fishing club comp. I'd caught my spear the previous week so was on tag and bill for the next one and happy to see a different side from staring at the back of the boat and watching the lures for hours. A day of trolling for zero saw us finally hit a big school of bait low down and all lines came in to change tactics. We soon had a dozen livies in the tank and the biggest specimen you would believe. It was quickly rigged and dropped to 40 hands. After 10 minutes the rod loaded up and my mate was on... I'm not going to draw this out but a 110kg black played with my buddy for 1.5 hours dancing around the boat. It was spectacular and only spoilt by losing the fish before we could get a tag in it. My mate and the rest if us were gutted. It was the first marlin I'd seen next to the boat and a memory I'll never forget. But in true game style. Lines straight back in.... It took 5 mins for the next rod to go and as I looked at my exhausted friend he said you take it. I counted 10 and slowly pushed the lever to strike and felt some weight. It wast too aggressive and the wind in was easy untill... The fish realised lunch wasn't free. Tbh we got the fish to the boat pretty quick perhaps only 30 mins of me shouting who's ya daddy. But there she was. My first marlin. I don't remember the last flathead I caught. But I'll never forget my first marlin.
  11. Broken bay canceled so no wet weekend for me.
  12. Doesn't affect me mate, I moved out of the city, just remembering when I lived in Cronulla and used to park mine outside the house. So the council have achieved shuffling the trailers,, great job.
  13. This has been mentioned before but it now seems to be official. New regulations allowing boat trailers, and the boats they carry, to be impounded if they have been parked on a street in Sutherland Shire for more than 28 days will be enforced from July 1. The starting date was announced after council decided earlier this year to “opt in” to new laws passed by the state government in late 2015. Sutherland Shire Council spent a year deliberating after councils were given the option of opting in or out of the scheme. The regulations will apply across the shire, and not just to select areas near waterways, which was another option under the legislation. A spokeswoman said the council would conduct an education campaign before enforcement started on July 1. Under the new system, boat trailers, with or without boats on them, will need to be moved every 28 days, at least as far as a different block section of the same street. Council officers must provide notice of at least 15 days before impounding a trailer. http://www.theleader.com.au/story/4531362/boat-trailers-to-be-impounded-from-july-1/?cs=1255
  14. Mutton birds, bloody loads of the damn things,
  15. The rope off the mooring will be too thick to do anything except slip it over the bollard and pull it under the cross bars, If your worried tie a second mooring rope to the loop and tie it off to a cleat or bow rail. Option 2 if your bollard is a bit smaller. Option 3 If you can't tie knots tie lots
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