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Jono Hammond

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Everything posted by Jono Hammond

  1. When i first got my boat a few years ago now a mate put me onto it, i still use polish every 6 months or so but in between polishes say every second outing or so i use baby oil on the glass - it rejuvinates the paint, brings out a very high shine which seems to last for one outing or so. Not sure why or how it works but hey i'm sure someone else here's heard of it.
  2. Fiberglass loves baby oil - much cheaper than polish
  3. Should i put it up for a record then
  4. Caught this when flatty drifting in Pittwater.
  5. Nice Flatte Mate - was that caught at night? When i was up in Bewowra last week there were chopper tailer everywhere as well, must be right through the system at the moment.
  6. Top fish Steze I believe that fish is a tie with the current raider record.
  7. Squid from the fish shops is generally imported from overseas and SHOULD NOT be used for bait as it can introduce diseases into the Aussie fish, GO FISH - out wonderful sponsers sell the best coffin bay squid which is always really fresh.
  8. Your spot on there Jewhunter - even the worst days fishing is still better than the best day at work!!!
  9. How many boats were there on flint and steel we counted 20 at one time!!
  10. It depends what type of snapper fishing your into - plastics (ie. flickbaits etc) or just good old bait
  11. Well what an awesome day Flounder 3 Flathead about 15 Wrasse 1 Eel 1 Shark 1 Mowie 1 Jewfish 1 Whiting 1 In fact not just any jewie but my FIRST JEWIE EVER - so happy even though it only went 43cm. All in all it was a very nice day on the water. Launched at mooney pt at around 6 and headed down to the mouth of pittwater to drift up some flatties, after that moved to barrenjoey for nil so decided to try lion island around the back where we picked up a variety of reef species. Got sick of the swell and wind so headed up past the ramp to the back of milson island where we drifted up a Jewie and another flattie. Hope you all had as good a day as i did - i can't believe how much of a mixed bag it was today.
  12. Well we headed out at about 9 at berowra waters which was empty so that was awesome, the weather could not have been a nicer day, tried drifting a bit for nothing so i anchored up at a hole i know of and burleyed up and managed to get the boys onto plenty of chopper tailer. Hardly any catfish which was tops and the kids were happy as they were catching fish- had 3 big hookups all of which spat the hooks on striking. Home by 2 and am heading out tomorrow as well - TOPS!!! (no kids tomorrow so have to catch something decent now)
  13. After seeing the weather this morning we are going for a quick bash now so will let you know how we go.
  14. Thanks Tan I guess thats the answer i was after
  15. Hey Everybody I regularly fish the hawksburry from bar point to pittwater, what i was wondering was whether its worth fishing the upper reaches - mainly around berowra at the moment with all this rain - or does the rain stuff the fishing for everything other than the catties. I'm in two minds whether to launch at berowra or mooney ramps - i normally go to mooney but am taking some kids out and thought the shorter drive to the ramp would be better as i am going later and pennant hills road is going to be a shocker. Any advice is appreciated Jono
  16. Catties!!! You just reminded me why i fish at the pittwater side of the river rather than up that end. The problem with the catties is that they dont run unless there absolutely massive so you think your baits in the water waiting for a jew until you get sick of waiting and then realise that its had a cattie on it for the last 30 minutes - watch the spike though - very, very bad.
  17. Just did some digging and found this - its all good - http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/NationalParks/parkHome.aspx?id=a002 Barrenjoey Head Aquatic Reserve Barrenjoey Headland Aquatic Reserve includes the entire rocky platform around Barrenjoey Head - from the northern end of Station Beach to the northern end of Palm Beach - and extends 100m seaward from mean low water. The rock platform is about 2000 metres long, with the headland at the junction of the Hawkesbury River and the ocean. The surrounding Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park provides a degree of self protection and contributes to making the aquatic reserve an area of great natural beauty. What you can do in this reserve Line fishing and spearfishing (subject to normal restrictions) are permitted in the aquatic reserve. Collection of rock lobster, sea lettuce and baitweed is also allowed. To protect a range of marine species and habitats in the reserve the following activities are prohibited: •the collection of cunjevoi, commonly used as bait, and all invertebrates (dead or alive), including anemones, barnacles, chitons, cockles, crabs, mussels, octopus, pipis, sea urchins, sea stars, snails and worms, and empty shells •the taking of abalone in line with a general ban between Port Stephens in the north and Wreck Bay Beach, Jervis Bay in the south. Where is it? Aust. NSW Local What it offers
  18. Hi all I regularly fish the mouth of pittwater around both Barrenjoey and West head, however, at work today i was looking in my street directory at palm beach and noticed there's a ring that follows the shape of Barrenjoey and says 'aquatic reserve' in it. Does this mean that you cannot fish there at all - i have been fishing there before and pulled over by fisheries and asked to check my catch but they didn't mention anything about not fishing there so i'm a little confused or is there just a greenie producing the maps for the UBD trying to be clever!!!
  19. Finishing off the wardrobes at home on Saturday so the has no excuse for me not to go fishing on the long weekend
  20. Check the air breathing valve on your fuel tanks, if they are closed you will have a similar problem to what you have described (at least i have once or twice after filling them and closing in while in the car and forgetting to open it)
  21. Good work on the dollies - you'll hate to hear this but it is legal for the hohoho's to be around the fads so i guess its just luck of the draw, at least you got some fish for a consolation, mind you so you should for braving a 2m swell you wouldn't catch me out there
  22. I haven't seen the recent mag, but i saw a pic of Roberta in one fishing mag about 6 months back
  23. Was there today Plenty of bream - use bread always lots of leatherjackes Flathead if your lucky - my mate caught an 81cm flatty there Kings on plastics and poppa's as the sun comes up And there were bonito there the whole time i was there today but i couldnt get a bite out of them - tried bait, rapala's and metal slices. Good luck I was fishing the manly side on the concrete section.
  24. I'll be fishing in an open tournament this weekend hoping to catch a big jew tomorrow morning then followed by a big flathead and big ... Will be in the hawksburry And i don't care what the wheathers doing now as i have my canopy and clears done. Wish me luck Jono
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