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Everything posted by Nolongeramember

  1. A boat mounted rod holder that strikes for you. You preload down and lock. When you get a bite or take in a downward position, the rod unlocks and lifts the rod sharply striking the fish. Some kind of adustable force on the spring or whatever would be good too. I thought about making one of these myself somehow as fishing for jew especially, you always need to holding the rod ready to strike if you want to convert the most strikes into hook ups. With one of these you can relax more or have a few more rods out aswell.
  2. The only thing I don't like about mine is it rubs on my neck all day long. Everything else is ok.
  3. If that bearing is gritty and cleaning it with spirits a brush and compressed air doesnt fix it then chuck it and order another one from Daiwa direct. They will post to you and your reel will be all good. From memory I think those bearings are pressed closed and taking it apart will ruin it.
  4. You can use rubber spacers to make the unit level or get a flat bracket welded on for it. Also make sure the shaft is long enough. Id say you will need a longer than standard shaft for your boat. I have had a Minn Kota for about 9 years now and its still going and looking well. Its a fresh water model used in salt too. I fitted up I pilot to it recently and spot lock is the best thing ever. Dont get a model that doesnt have either foot or remote control. You will quickly get fed up with having to go over to the motor from other parts of the boat every time to change its position, leaning over etc. Thats another reason to fit a bow mount rather than rear.
  5. Hi Sarge. 55Lb thrust wont be enough for your boat. I have a 4.8m and 60HP engine and 55lb is just enough. Its going to depend on what exactly you want to do but generally you will need something more powerful for your situation. I know they cost more but get a good brand aswell. Its worth it in the long run. Also if you can, persist with fitting a bow mount. They are better. What you pay for is what your going to get.
  6. Sometimes that happens. They wont bite until daybreak. But with persistance and good burley, bait, light line etc you should still get a few. Look for the schools with your sounder and fish right over the top of them. They are not always in the exact same position for whatever reason.
  7. I have a 60HP Suzuki adapter like the one you are after. If you find out it fits your Honda you can have if just pay post. I tried flushing with the adapter but the ear muffs get better water flow. To flush, I connect up the hose and run the engine until I feel the water exiting is warm. This means the thermostat is open and water is going through the entire engine. This usually take's a few minutes. Then I raise the revs slightly to get more circulation and flush for a further 5minutes. Thats all you need and plenty.
  8. Nice king What day last week did you get him?
  9. The Nitro Magnum butt is a nice rod. Ive had one for a long time now but a 2500 size reel is too small for it. A 4000 would be better. The rod to suit a 2500 reel would be the Nitro Distance Spin... its 2-5kg.
  10. I always look closely at ratios of reels Im considering purchasing. A 6500 size Daiwa or equivalent size Okuma with a ratio of 6.1 will lack serious cranking power in my opinion. Sure the speed will be quick but it will be difficult to reel in large fish. A ratio of 4.7 is still plently fast in such a large reel. I have a 20000 Shimano which is about the same size as the 6500 Daiwa. The ratio is 4.4 I think and it cranks hard but still has good line retrieval speed.
  11. Hi mate, bad luck on the kings. Keep at it and eventually you will get one..... If you are hooking salmon and they are taking line you definitly need to tighten up your drag or you need bigger gear otherwise after all your effort trying to hook a big king it will be gone in the blink of an eye. Especially around North Head.
  12. Will be doing a gearbox oil change on my 60HP Suzuki for the first time and was wondering why you need to fill an outboard gearbox from the bottom hole? What would happen if you fill from the top hole?
  13. The boat not moving is not too good for getting a good picture. You will keep getting the same fish and readings over and over. So if a tiny fish was to come into your beam and not move or move slowly it will look like one continuous line on your sounder. It looks like to me that your screen was moving very slow aswell?
  14. I cant tell you what they are but to me they look like small fish. The shape of the lines looks like you and/or the screen was travelling too slow and you picked up the same fish over and over as it slowly swam up or down etc. Long lines does not necessarily mean big fish. Without going into detail, the speed you are travelling and speed of your screen refresh (the speed the screen moves across) is very important in determining how big fish are. You need to learn through experience how your individual sounder shows fish in relation to these speeds. I generally like the boat to be slowly moving under power and the screen to be moving at an average speed to get a good picture on what fish I am seeing.
  15. Could also be one of the cables from the battery to the engine have bad current flow.
  16. Your problem has to be located from where ever you connected the jump leads to and the battery. Probably bad terminal connections. Make sure they have good, clean metal contact and everything is tight. Other than that, you may have a dud battery. Connect it to something else and see if it starts that to check its power.
  17. Thats old lookin alright...Never seen something that old before. The gaskets can be used again if there not damaged when you remove parts. Depends how crusted on they are and how long theyve been there. You might find rubber seals between parts aswell. Did you say the fuel hoses that connect directly to the carby have crap coming out of them? Like what? lol thats not good and definitly atleast one of your issues would be junk in the carbys. Even if you clean them out you will need to sort out the hoses and put a good inline filter in there aswell before you run fuel through the system.
  18. Yeah I dunno Sarge. Sounds like it could be your carbs but I just now realised that is a very old engine and sounds like it hasnt ran well for a long time. Could be a combination of problems. Unless anyone here has any other suggestions Id say the best thing is to get a mechanic to look at it. But its your engine and if your like me and you like to fiddle with your own things then keep at it. Make sure you get back here, dig up this thread and tell us what it turns out to be cos' most people dont... Good luck.
  19. Im not an expert on outboards either just know engines in general and have seen blocked carbys many times on boat engines. Alarm bells rang when you said the filter was a little crappy thing and it was all clean! Which could mean dirt was getting past it. No you dont need any kits to clean out the carbys and I would think you would have four carbys on that engine seeing its a four cylinder. If your not familiar with carbys and you dont have a detailed manual I would suggest taking it to a shop to check it out man. You dont want to make things worse. It may not even be the cause for you problems. A good way to learn this stuff is to watch someone who knows do it first. Plug tips tell alot about an engine. How do the plugs from the cylinders that you think are firing look compared to the ones that dont? Dry, oily, wet with fuel smell, browny, black? Any water droplets? Hope not lol. Check that all out...
  20. Hi mate. From what you said- your dads mate fiddled and blew out 2 of the carbys and that got it going. Sounds kind of like they were blocked rather than flooded I think. I would be checking all four carbys. Take the float bowls off and blow out all orfices and jet holes. Look through the jet holes and see they are clear. The jets are like pin holes and it doesnt take much to block them. Check the general condition for anything obvious and check the float is working correctly. Maybe you could do one of the ones that look like its not firing first, then do your test again taking off the leads and seeing what difference it makes. This will tell you if your on the right track. If you find blocked passages your definitly on the right track...
  21. I have always washed down my reels with the hose on fine mist, paying attention to do it quickly and introducing as little water as possible to get the job done. All you are doing is wasing away the salt on the outside of the reel no need for blasting. Doing it with a gerni or too much pressure will eventually get water inside the reel unless its a sealed reel like the new Daiwas. Even with these Im careful. Lately Ive been using a rag wet with warm water and wiping over the reels and I reckon this is the best way to go. I still hose the rods though.
  22. Hi, check if each cylinder has spark is very easy and quick. Take each plug out, connect the spark lead to it, sit it somewhere where the thread part can touch the head or some metal part of the engine and get someone to crank over the engine while you watch to see if the plug 'sparks'. Check all of them and you will then know if your problem is spark related or not. Ofcourse you need to do these tests at the time when your engine wont start not when it is running ok. Also a warning, DO NOT hold or touch the plug or leads while the engine is being cranked over or running. You will get a massive jolt lol but alteast you will know you got good spark there hahaha.
  23. I wouldnt muck around with bypassing, looking at fuel pumps or attaching any hoses to the carby or bulbs or anything just yet cos' if the carbys are blocked its not going to tell you anything anyway. Just leave everything as it is and squirt a small amount of fuel down the throat of each carby while the butterfies are open and when they are all done try start it. It will fire/start straight away if your problem is fuel starvation. Then you can search for the cause. If it doesnt start then you most likely have a non fuel related problem.
  24. Have a look at the lunch box section in Woolworths if your looking for various containers. They have heaps there, small, large, screw lids, push on lids, leak proof and there pretty cheap too.
  25. To check if its a fuel problem, when its not starting squirt a bit of fuel down each carby and then crank it over and see if it starts. That way you can cover that possibility.
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